Dec. 12, 2023

Your Freedom At Risk – WHO Grabs Power – with Reggie Littlejohn – [Ep. 195]

Your Freedom At Risk – WHO Grabs Power – with Reggie Littlejohn – [Ep. 195]

We all have seen movies or read books in which evil masterminds plot world control and dominance. They describe a horrible, frightening world devoid of individual freedom. While often fictional, the stories have been quite prophetic. We are in a war...

We all have seen movies or read books in which evil masterminds plot world control and dominance. They describe a horrible, frightening world devoid of individual freedom. While often fictional, the stories have been quite prophetic. We are in a war right now for the heart and soul of our nation and for the freedom and liberty of citizens worldwide. Linda welcomes her guest, Reggie Littlejohn, to discuss life in a Digital Gulag – wit Digital IDs, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Social Credit Scores. Reggie is Co-Chair of the Sovereignty Coalition, the President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, and the Co-Founder of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force. She has testified before governments worldwide on the global power grab impacting citizens in every nation. We are on a precipice, and we must stand firm against the current-day, non-fictional evil masterminds plotting control and world dominance. Listen to learn what is really happening across the globe and learn how you can be empowered to protect your rights.

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Linda J. Hansen:  Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101®- Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics Online course, the book, the course and the entire podcast library can be found on Prosperity101.Com. I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests and be sure to visit Prosperity 101.Com.

Thank you for joining with me today. We have all seen those movies, you know, the ones in which evil masterminds plot world control and dominance. And most of us have read or at least heard of George Orwell's famous novel 1984, which describes a horrible, frightening world devoid of individual freedom. While often fictional, the stories have been quite prophetic. We are in a war right now for the heart and soul of our nation and for the freedom and liberty of citizens worldwide. Every step we have taken to the edge of this cliff has been one step closer to our own destruction. You may be listening and thinking this is crazy, but please stay with us through this entire episode so you will be able to understand what is really happening to your freedom. You will also be empowered with positive action steps you can take to protect your rights. I'm truly honored to introduce my guest today, Reggie Littlejohn. She is the co-chair of the Sovereignty Coalition, the president of Women's rights without Frontiers, and the co-founder of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force. I have listened to dozens of her interviews, read many of her articles, and am convinced she is one of the foremost experts on the global power grab happening from the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum. Reggie is a business owner. She is a graduate of Yale Law School, has worked with Mother Teresa, and has testified before governments worldwide. She's also received many awards for her work to protect life and human rights. Today we'll be discussing what is often referred to as the digital gulag. Digital IDs, central banks, digital currencies or CBDCs, and social credit scores are all a part of this. We are on a precipice and we must stand firm against the current day non-fictional, evil masterminds plotting control and world dominance. Welcome, Reggie. Thank you so much for joining with me today.

Reggie Littlejohn:

Well, thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well, it's just really a pleasure and it's an honor. And if you were to explain to someone who really didn't know anything about all of this, and this was the first interview they ever listened to about the digital gulag or what's happening with who, the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum, how would you summarize it for them to begin with?

Reggie Littlejohn:


Well, first of all, I would say that it's not their fault that they haven't heard of this because it's being completely suppressed by the mainstream media. If people are listening to the legacy media, they're not going to hear the things I'm about to say right now. However, what I would also say to that person is everything I say can be documented, and the documentation is in videos that these, I'll just call them globalists. They've been recorded saying things and also from their own websites, particularly the United nations website, the World Economic Forum website, the World Health Organization website. So I understand why people don't know about this, but I think that you can listen to me, but just when I say, go here to find something, go and find it, and you'll see that what I'm saying is true.

Linda J. Hansen:

It is true, and your own work provides many examples of documentation for that. And so as we go through the interview, listeners, please pay attention, and we'll give resources that you can seek out at the end of the interview. And please become educated, because our rights really are endangered and there is a global power grab. And could you explain your term, the digital gulag?

Reggie Littlejohn:

Yes. So a gulag is like a prison, and a digital gulag is a prison that is enforced digitally. So what I mean by that is that when you look at where the World Economic Forum, the WHO and the UN are heading right now, they want to impose something called a digital id, and that is a new name for a vaccine passport, basically under COVID. They basically frightened everybody or most people into believing that they needed to be vaccinated and that it wasn't so important to be vaccinated, that you actually need a vaccine passport, a digital health id to show whether you've been vaccinated or not. So that was the precursor of just these mandatory digital ids. And if you go on a World Economic Forum website and just look for digital id and you will find a chart there. That is all the things that you will need a digital id to do. Basically, you will need a digital id to access health care, to pay your taxes, to access government benefits, to buy and sell online, to open a bank account, to travel, to participate in social media, and basically every aspect of human life. And so what that means is that if you don't have a digital id, or if you do have a digital id and you do things that whoever is in power doesn't like, they can shut you off from all of those things by shutting down your digital id. So what kind of things would they not like? Well, they would not like what I'm doing right now, which is exposing them. They would not like it if they said, you must be vaccinated, you must be boosted, and you refuse to do that. There are various things that you can do that they will not like, and then they hold you in a prison because they can shut you off of your bank account and your credit card, your benefits, your ability to travel, anything that they want through these mandatory digital ids. That's the digital gulag.

Linda J. Hansen:

It really is a prison. It is a digital prison that actually affects every area of our life. And I know many in the United States and around the world have been really fighting against this. And there's been some states and nations who have said, we won't participate in this. We will not be part of this worldwide treaty on this, this plan that they have. And what would you say to people here in the United States and to the elected officials in the United States? I know you've briefed many elected officials. You did a congressional press conference in May of 2023, listeners, you can look that up. It was May 17 of 2023. So just search for that and you'll be able to hear her press conference. But what would you tell people what they need to share with their elected officials?

Reggie Littlejohn:

All right, 2024 is going to be a huge year. In May of 2024, the World Health Organization is going to be voting on this new pandemic treaty and also the amendments to the international health regulations. And these two things are going to establish what we have discussed as the digital Gulag. So it changes the World Health Organization from an advisory body to a governing body, and it also establishes that all the member countries have to surveil their citizens, and they need to correct misinformation, disinformation and infodemics. So what that means is that whatever is against the prevailing narrative from the World Health Organization, countries are going to be responsible for censoring it. So we got a surveillance and censorship situation. And also what the World Health Organization is seeking is the power to, number one, declare a pandemic or declare any kind of a risk to your health. It doesn't have to actually be a pandemic. It could just be something that's happening somewhere that has not spread or the potential for one. I mean, it doesn't even have to be an actual one. It can be a potential one, and it can happen to humans, animals, plants, or the environment. They basically want to have every aspect of life on earth under their control. And then once they declare some kind of an emergency or a pathogen of international concern, they want the power to come in between you and your physician, so that if your physician would like to recommend certain drugs for you because they know your personal body, I mean, people are completely different, and different things work for different people. The World Health Organization is one size fits all, and they will want the ability to dictate what your physician can and cannot prescribe, and also what your physician must prescribe in the case of if they declare a pandemic. So they want the power to be able to have forced mask mandates and lockdowns and forced vaccine mandates forcing vaccines. Otherwise, you can get canceled through your digital id. That's what's coming up from the World Health Organization in May of 2023. I can talk also about what's happening at the World at the United Nations in September, May of 2024. And I can also talk about what's happening in the United Nations in September of 2024.

Linda J. Hansen:

Please do.

Reggie Littlejohn:

Okay, so the World Health Organization is basically trying to establish a global government through health. Now, the United Nations is trying to establish the same thing through climate change. Okay, so they've got this emergency platform that they proposed in March of this year, but they're going to be voting on it in September of 2024 that they would like to be passed through the United Nations. So if the United Nations votes on it and it passes, it's law. It's international law, and they want it to operationalize automatically in case they call some kind of an emergency. So what that means to operationalize automatically means that once they say, okay, this is an emergency, we're taking over, it's already been passed by the United Nations, so it doesn't have to go through our senate or anything else. It's considered to already be law. And they want to be able to assert global governance in case of health. I assume that they would do that through the World Health Organization, which is an arm of the United Nations, but also climate change and any kind of an Internet outage. And also actually they have a category for events in outer space and then another category called Black Swan events, which is anything that they forgot or they didn't cover in the other categories. And so if they decide that there is an emergency in any of those categories, then operationalizing automatically, they can assert global governance that is going to be voted on in September of 2024. So in terms of what people can do, number one, you can follow me on getter. I'm at real Reggie Littlejohn at real Reggie Littlejohn on getter. All right. You'll receive updates there because we have calls to action on various things. But another thing that people can do is whenever there's a candidate, like when the candidates are debating things in your area, you can go to that debate and you can ask them, what is your position on the World Health Organization takeover? What is your position on the United Nations takeover? You can get yourself educated about these things by going to, that is, and signing the declaration there. That explains everything I'm saying. And it's got I don't know how many footnotes, 20 hyperlinks. So everything I'm saying, or almost everything I'm saying would be in a hyperlink on that declaration. And you can see the documentation behind what I'm saying.

Linda J. Hansen:

Exactly. The sovereignty coalition is so important, and for people to spread that and let people know about it is incredibly important. Sovereignty is what we're fighting for. For nations to be sovereign, for people to be sovereign over their own body, to be America first, doesn't mean we're America only, but it means that we want to protect the freedoms and rights of our nation and the freedoms and rights of other nations and all the individuals that are citizens. And so we thank you so much for your work in this area and your scholarly approach. I mean, nothing is left to chance in terms of helping people understand this. You always have everything very well documented. The research is very well done. And so, listeners, I encourage you, please go to the websites. I will put them into the show notes for everyone so you can have them. And please share this information with others. It's up to us. Don't expect someone to save you. You have to fight before it's too late, right?

Reggie Littlejohn:

I mean, people say, oh, that's unconstitutional. Well, yes, it's unconstitutional. That's true. But the constitution is a document. The constitution can't fight for itself. We have to fight for the constitution and people who are in power, they will just do what they want because they can. Because people are saying, oh, the constitution will defend us. Well, it's not going to defend us, especially since constitutional defenses are usually legal defenses by lawsuits. And it takes years for a lawsuit to make its way up to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, they've already established this global governance. So the thing is, it's a gulag. Because if all of this stuff is put in place in 2024, there will be no more dissent. Because as soon as you start to dissent, they will cut you off. They can just stop your digital id and you will be silenced because you will have no access to the Internet and you will have no access to your money or food or anything else. So, I mean, we need to stand up now. Don't say, oh, yeah, I know, but it's the holidays and I'm busy. I'll do it some other time. Okay. Please follow me on getter at real Reggie Littlejohn and sign the declaration on the sovereignty coalition. If you do that, then I will be able to stay in touch with you and you will see developments. And we can stop this thing.

Linda J. Hansen:

We can. And we had talked before about what employers could do in the workplace to help educate employees. And one of the things you said was just make sure they don't comply and explain to their employees why they are not.

Reggie Littlejohn:

You know, I would encourage employers, if we have another pandemic or risk of a pandemic or whatever, that the World Health Organization is asserting their governance over how we handle the situation in the United States. That's why this is a breach of sovereignty because this foreign organization is coming in and telling us what to do on our own soil. That I would urge employers to not just go with the flow and institute mask mandates and force testing, forced vaccination. It puts employees in an impossible situation. And educate yourself, educate your employees and be active in the community. Take an active role in saying, this does not make sense, and we're not going to comply with it.

Linda J. Hansen:

Exactly. And has the United States taken a stand against this? I know there have been some in the legislatures and Congress around that have tried to take a stand against it, but we're not over the edge yet, are we?

Reggie Littlejohn:

Okay, so yes and no, Congress. The House of Representatives defunded the World Health organization in their most recent bill. It's a foreign ops bill, section of the appropriations bill. And that had everything to do with what we were doing on the sovereignty coalition and the actions that people took. We had an action for people to email their congressmen, call their congressman, and it turned the whole thing around. So Congress actually did vote to defund it. Now, that doesn't mean it's defunded. We still need the Senate. And so now we're working on the Senate. As you know, I was speaking at a Senate briefing a couple of weeks ago when we were supposed to have our interview originally, but I was in a Senate briefing. So we're working now on the Senate. And then ultimately the executive branch has to decide not to withdraw from the WHO. Congress can defund it, but only the president can actually withdraw. And President Trump actually did that. When President Trump was president, he withdrew from the WHO. But it takes a year. You have to give them a year's notice. So by the time that year was up, Biden was already in office and he put us right back in.

Linda J. Hansen:

This is so complicated. But listeners, you need to just follow her again. Please give the information on how they can best follow you.

Reggie Littlejohn:

Okay, so follow me at @realregie Littlejohn on Getter and then also go to the sovereignty coalition, sovereignty, and sign the declaration, which is a declaration of resistance to all of this.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well, that's an important step, and it's important for everyone to be educated and to educate others. It is up to us to fight for our freedom, to defend our constitution, to defend our freedom. And we do not want this happening in 2024. So, Reggie, we thank you so much for your work, and for your dedication to this. You have spent your life making sure that people can understand these issues, and you've spent your life defending life and liberty for people worldwide. And we thank you. I hope to have you back again soon. But in the meantime, thank you so much for this interview.

Reggie Littlejohn:

All right. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.

Linda J. Hansen: Thank you again for listening to the Prosperity 101® Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave a great review. Don't forget to visit to access the entire podcast library to order my newest book, Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck or to enroll you or your employees in the Breakroom Economics online course. You can also receive the free e-book, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful. Please contact us today at to let us know how we can serve you. Thank you.