Nov. 25, 2024

Speaking Truth To Power - Defeating The New World Order – with Reggie Littlejohn – [Ep. 239]

Speaking Truth To Power - Defeating The New World Order – with Reggie Littlejohn – [Ep. 239]

While recent election results are encouraging to those who love liberty, history reminds us the fight for freedom never ends. The globalist agendas of elitists who believe in a New World Order must still be combatted if we desire to live in a free...

While recent election results are encouraging to those who love liberty, history reminds us the fight for freedom never ends. The globalist agendas of elitists who believe in a New World Order must still be combatted if we desire to live in a free country with a government abiding by our Constitutional principles. Agendas of globalist organizations are aggressively promoting a loss of individual and national freedom. How do we combat this? In this episode, Linda interviews world-renowned legal expert, Reggie Littlejohn, Founder & President of Anti-Globalist International and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. Reggie has testified across the globe on behalf of freedom, and she is unafraid to speak truth to power. Listen today to learn how you can do the same as you work to guard your liberty. 

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The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.


Linda J Hansen: Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101® Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics online course.

The book, the course, and the entire podcast library can be found on I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. 

My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests, and be sure to visit 

Thank you so much for joining with me today. I have a very informative episode for you. And so you will want to stay tuned to the entire episode. But first, I always want to say a special thank you to our Prosperity Partners, those who provide financial support to help keep us on the air. So if you'd like to become a Prosperity Partner, please go to the link on the website, Prosperity Just hit the Prosperity Partner link. And you can join with us there. 

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And we thank you for listening. I also want to thank our Strategic Partners. Please visit the show notes for their information for the sake of time today, I'm just going to direct you to the show notes for them and thank you to our Strategic Partners, please support them and support the Patriot Freedom Economy. 

Well, my guest today is a returning guest, and I'm so thankful that she has carved out time to be on this interview. Reggie Littlejohn is, as I said, a returning guest, and I love. Talking to her because she is an expert in all things, new world order, globalist agenda, and how we as freedom fighters can protect our freedom and the freedom of people around the world.

She is the founder and president of Anti-Globalist International, and she is the president of Women's Rights Without Frontiers. I just love listening to Reggie. I read so much of her work and I'm so grateful for her persistence and dedication in speaking, as I said, truth to power, but also making sure that just everybody is informed about the efforts to take our rights away.

So thank you. Thank you for your fight for freedom, your support for women worldwide. Thank you for speaking truth. And thank you for being here today. It's just a pleasure to have you back again. Thank you, Reggie. 

Reggie Littlejohn: Well, thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, as we have obviously just gone through a just incredible election season and a landslide victory with Donald Trump and his mandated Agenda we have much work to do.

I mean, the fight is not over and you know, the fight for freedom never ends. And we just really want to make sure that people are aware of really where we are in this fight against globalism and the new world order, and then how we can continue to fight for our freedoms to make sure that America does not fall prey to this globalist agenda.

So, where would you say we are in terms of progress made and how does this election affect all that? 

Reggie Littlejohn: Well, I appreciate your question because a lot of people are just saying, yay, Trump won. We won. And just wanting to, not to disengage and just go about our lives. Wouldn't be nice if all we had to do is just deal with our personal lives, but that's not the times that we're living in.

And we are living in an era where we have to be actively freedom fighters to throw off this globalist coup. So, the winning of Donald Trump and then taking the House and the Senate was a major body blow to the globalists. But That being said, you know, these people are very smart, they are very persistent, and they are very evil.

So they're sort of like the beast in Revelation with, what was it, seven heads and ten horns. And you can, you know, crack one head and put it down, but then there's six more. And so where we stand right now is Donald Trump has said he's going to withdraw us from the World Health Organization.

I see that as this huge, I mean, he gave notification that we were going to withdraw in his previous presidency, but it takes a year to get out. And by the time he was getting out, Joe Biden was in and, you know, put us right back in. So we never got to experience getting out of the World Health Organization, but Donald Trump gave a speech where he said that not only should we defund the WHO, not only should you know, we withdraw, but that he said the WHO, which deserves to be abolished, and that's a direct quote.

He said that the WHO deserves to be abolished, and I could not agree more. So we can withdraw from the WHO, and I think we will withdraw from the WHO. I think that would be a great thing. But number one, You know, if we lose the next election, the 2028 election, whoever's the new person could new president could put us right back in.

And so we have to keep, we have to keep our attention on what the WHO is doing globally. So that's, you know, that's my take on the WHO at the moment. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, I really appreciate what you said, that the fight is not over, and this has been one of my concerns that, you know, so often, as I've been involved in politics for decades, and you see so often that once a conservative gets into office, people tend to sit back on their laurels, and they think oh, Trump's got it, or, you know, Reagan's got it, or, you know, whoever it is, and they don't realize that it's we, the people, it's we, the people who actually fight for freedom on a daily basis to make sure our nation is strong, and so I appreciate the fact that you said we must, as citizens and activists, we must Stay engaged.

This is not the time to sit back. I mean, it's like America has taken this big breath, you know, of this breath of relief, right? However. He's not even inaugurated. We have to make sure he gets inaugurated. We have to make sure that nothing funny is pulled between now and inauguration and that he is safe and protected and that the whole process of certifying the election goes through and, you know, the American people have spoken.

There is a true mandate and we need to stand up for that and protect it. And I think the American people do not want WHO and the global. Globalist and the 15 minute cities and the mandated vaxes and the quarantine camps and social credit scores, you know, they don't want any of that. And they just want to get back to a strong, robust America.

And so for people who really maybe are listening to this and have never. If people really understood what the WHO is or these globalist treaties, could you give them a quick you know, Reader's Digest condensed version for a minute, and then we can obviously give them the information where they can research more.

Reggie Littlejohn: Oh, sure. So, the World Health Organization started out You know, it's a very small and benign organization and it was funded by the different countries of the world and its focus was mostly like on sanitation and like, you know, polio vaccines, stuff like that. But then I think the globalists figured out that this small and innocuous.

Organization could be used for much bigger and more nefarious purposes. So right now, the WHO is majorly funded, not just by the countries. I think they get something like, don't quote me on this, but it's something like 70 percent of their funding, a very large percentage of their funding from Donors, not that are not the nations themselves and the main donors are like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other big pharma related entities.

And so what that does is that it makes the World Health Organization, whose mandate is basically to just. Promote health, you know, to care about people's health now. It's not it's like it's being run by in the Chinese Communist Party and Big Pharma because of course, you know if Big Pharma is Funding the World Health Organization and then the World Health Organization is trying to say that they have the authority to tell us whether or not we have vaccines or even vaccine mandates, that's a direct conflict of interest because the people who are funding them would make a lot of money off of that.

So they've totally lost credibility in that way. And rightfully so. So on June 2nd of this year, I was in Geneva when they passed Geneva, where the head of the World Health Organization is, Geneva, Switzerland, when they passed international health regulation amendments. And those just on their own give the World Health Organization enough authority to establish a biotech Police surveillance state.

So there's three things that are in there that are very concerning. One is that they require nations, every nation to surveil their citizens. And then to address misinformation and disinformation. So what's misinformation and disinformation? Basically, it's not defined, but we can look back at COVID and see that misinformation and disinformation are whatever information that you're giving, even if it's true That it contradicts the World Health Organization or the CDC, you know, so for example, let's say that you have been injured by a vaccine or your child's been injured by a vaccine and you write that on Twitter, you know that you're suffering in this way and it happened 15 minutes after you were vaxxed or whatever, but so that would cause vaccine hesitancy.

And, you know, and again, rightfully so, but so then the CDC or the WHO would say, well, that's misinformation and disinformation and censor you. So that's, you know, controlling the information is absolutely a way of controlling people's sovereignty because what is sovereignty? Sovereignty is the right and the ability of a person, you know, so you're a sovereign person or a nation to decide what's On issues on the issues that confront it so you can't really decide you can't make an accurate decision if you can't get the information if the only information that you can get is whatever agrees with what the W.

  1. O. says. So that is a direct attack on our sovereignty, number one, and number two is an attack on the First Amendment to not be able to speak your mind. You know, when the WHO started, you know, was handling the beginning of the pandemic, everything they said was wrong. Okay, so they said that there was no human to human transmission, and they were basically parroting the Chinese Communist Party.

No human to human transmission. If you try to stop flights into and out of China, you're a racist. You know, this was not leaked from a lab, it was an infection from a bat. All of those were proven to be wrong, and yet if anybody said that at the time, like there is human to human transmission, we do need to stop flights to and from China.

And This was a lab leak. That would be considered to be misinformation and disinformation just because it disagrees with what the CDC is saying and that person will be censored. So, so there's that. And then also in these international health regulation amendments they require every person in the world to have a health ID.

And it can be paper or digital. So I think what they're, what they envision is that the countries that Are unable to have they don't have the infrastructure for a digital one. They will have a paper one, but the rest of us will have a digital one digital health ID. What's that going to do? It's going to track your vaccination status, right?

So if we got, you know, nefarious, you know, bad actors. In the White House, which thank God Donald Trump was elected who opposes mandate you know, and I'm not taking it sides. I'm not, you know, endorsing anyone. The election is over. I'm just saying that the fact that Donald Trump was elected is a.

Good thing if you want to oppose globalism. All right, but if we had somebody else elected and if they wanted to, they could establish a China social credit system based on these digital IDs. So, and I can go into a lot more detail on that, but that's what's at stake here. And the fact that Donald Trump one does not mean that we can just sit back and rest on our laurels, as you said, because The technical ability to surveil us and assess for us is absolutely there.

It could, you know, they could start up again at any time. And these digital IDs are being rolled out all around the world which is, it's a precursor to the, to spreading the China social credit system all over the world. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, it's so good that you explain that. And for those of you who may be listening and don't really know what the China social credit system is, I mean, it's basically like, they watch you.

And if you know, post the wrong things, or maybe you're not vaccinated as much as they want you to be, or you. You participate in meetings that they don't want you to participate in, you know, these things, then you go to buy something, you go to travel you can't do it because you have this digital ID.

You have a social credit score. If your score doesn't match up, you don't get to do what everybody else does. And it's you know, a precursor to a total lack of freedom all over. And you mentioned. You know, these health passports, health IDs and things. And, you know, I think back to in World War II when they had the Gesundheit pass, the health pass, and you know, people could have their Gesundheit pass their freedom to associate and travel but the Jews were not given that.

Because they were deemed unclean. So this is one of the things, you know, it's really a division in society. It's really promoting that othering, sort of, you know, that dividing of people and creating victims. Victims, oppressors, all of that, which is a communist playbook type action. And so, so listeners, I know that this is for some of you who might be hearing this for the first time, you're drinking water from a fire hydrant as you listen, but we'll make sure before the episode is out that you know exactly how to follow Reggie and you can read some of her writing so you can get brought up to date on this.

But this is important for every single American citizen to understand. And I would say world citizens, really, because Everybody needs to understand that our freedom is at risk. And just because Donald Trump is the president elect does not mean this fight is over and they will keep fighting to enslave us in a sense, in their globalist order.

And unless we really put it to bed, like abolish the WHO, you know, and stop this ridiculous bowing to big pharma we, we will. end up back where we were. So I know before we were recording, we talked about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 's appointment into the Trump administration. And I'd like to hear your take on that a little bit.

Reggie Littlejohn: Well, I think that he fits in with, actually he's a leader of a lot of this. So I think that he's an excellent choice. And especially when you're dealing with vaccine issues and globalist issues and issues of corruption. So I've heard people say, well, he's not qualified. Well, you know what? He doesn't need to be a medical, he is an attorney, okay, and he doesn't need to be a medical doctor to do what he wants to do, which is what needs to be done.

So one of the things, one of his big focuses is ending the corruption at you know, at the CDC and the FDA, all of those organizations, because something that people don't realize is that, for example, at the FDA, At some very large percentage, something like, I don't know, 70 percent of the funding of the FDA does not come from the government.

It's not come from our taxes. Okay, it comes from big pharma. It's like the people who are trying to get their drugs passed are paying the FDA is reliant on them for their support. This should not be okay I you know Big Pharma now should not be funding the people who are supposed to be the watchdog over Big Pharma.

That's number one. And then number two, there's like a revolving door between the FDA and Big Pharma. So, for example let's say there's a guy, Joe Schmoe, who is at the FDA and Big Pharma comes and says could you please approve this drug? And then he says, sure, you know, even though maybe it's not completely tested or maybe it's not completely effective or whatever.

He says, yes, he approves it. And then as a reward, he gets a job at that pharmaceutical company. And that pharmaceutical company he knows is going to make a lot of money because he just approved their application for a certain drug. And this is, again, it's a massive conflict of interest. It's terrible corruption.

You don't need to be a doctor to see it, and you don't need to be a doctor to do anything about it. You need to be somebody who is brave and courageous and is willing to take this on, and that's what, you know, Robin F. Kennedy Jr. is. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, he is brave and courageous and he has been through hell and back in terms of fighting big government whether it's his uncle, his father, I mean, and through everything that he's been through as well.

And I appreciate the fact that, like you said, he's perfectly suited for this because you know, he's willing to go. up against the big powers and he is willing to fight and he's willing to go against his own party, in fact, and to 

Reggie Littlejohn: And his own family, even.

Linda J Hansen: And his own family. And this is one of the things.

And so for those listening these are really important facts that I I'm so glad to have come out as someone who's been involved in regulatory reform and politics and things for many decades. It's, I'm so glad to see this all coming out more into the mainstream because, you know, I often felt like.

You know, I was in a corner raising my hand going this isn't good, you know, this is incorrect, or you're at Capitol Hill talking about the corruption and you're speaking to the corrupt ones, right. And you know, so it's crazy, but now there's enough notice and kind of information getting out there where the American public are beginning to see the corruption.

And I love that you mentioned the FDA commissioners and everything that end up working for big pharma. I mean, listeners, you can go look just go back and look at, say, the last 20 years of FDA commissioners and then say, where did they end up? You can also look at like national institutes of health and, you know, CDC, all these things, it's like, where is the money flow?

And that spider web of connection and corruption is so huge. And so many points of contact that it seems overwhelming. But it's not, you know, we can get it at the root. And I think that Bobby Kennedy Jr is actually working at that. And then as we look at what Elon want to do in terms of doge, you know, the department of government efficiency.

I mean, they're going to take a deep dive in this and say how has taxpayer money been spent? And, you know, praise God, you know, there's so many times that we find out our money is being spent on something that's absolutely anti-constitutional and it's so irresponsible in terms of Fiscal responsibility.

And so we have all of this happening, but they need American support. They need the support of the American people. So they need the American people to be the activists at the local state and national levels. They need the American people to make sure they're electing down ballot candidates who will support that America first agenda and by America first.

We don't mean America Only, we mean America First, you know, it's like in the self-help world, they always say, you can't pour from an empty cup, you know, make sure you take care of yourself before you try to pour out to others. Well, the same goes for a nation. Like if America is empty, if we are broke, if we are not free, we can't promote freedom and help other nations in any way.

So we absolutely have to be America first, and we have to take care of the health and safety of American citizens first. And that goes into getting out of this globalist agenda and making sure that we know how to combat it. So if say there's somebody listening right now. And they have no idea what to do.

I mean, hopefully my listeners, like most of the listeners, have listened to the previous episode with you and they've followed you and things I hope and pray. But I might have new listeners who are just blown away by what they're hearing right now. So what would be their first stop for you to educate them?

Where should they go? 

Reggie Littlejohn: Well, the first thing I think that people should do is commit to prayer. Commit to pray. Protection over President Trump, over RFK Jr. And, you know, over me and all the other people who are on the front for you, people who are on the front lines of this of this battle, because I mean, some of, I mean, Trump and RFK Jr. face, you know, obviously assassination, the threat of assassination, it's not all of us face that threat, but we're all doing like a major spiritual battle so please pray for us and, you know, Just make it a focus of prayer.

That's number one. And then number two, I would say go to One word, Read the manifesto and then if you agree that sign it and then you will be on my newsletter list and you will be able to get updates about what's going on with this globalist coup attempt and what you can do about it.

Linda J Hansen: I love it that you said to pray first, you know, we really are in a spiritual battle and I think people are understanding that more than ever before. I think that we are seeing a shift and, you know, even in the culture there's been such a shift. I saw yesterday someone had posted. What a shift we've seen in the last couple of years from Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players, you know, kneeling for the national anthem to these NFL players doing the Trump dance, you know, you know, and it's such a simple thing, but it indicates a shift in the culture and this is great.

You know, it's like people are unafraid to  defend America, to support America. And they're unafraid to say that they're a Christian or believer. And I think too, that the left has portrayed Christians as being like, we want to shut down everybody and everything. And, you know, actually it's that Judeo Christian background to our system of government that allowed freedom for everyone.

It allowed freedom of religion. It allowed freedom of travel, freedom of. To, you know, freedom of opportunity for everyone. So, this is so important and I just appreciate this whole shift that we're seeing. And I love it that you said it starts with prayer because it really does. It's a spiritual battle.

So, listeners, you can go to and make sure you sign the declaration and also, you know, follow Reggie's work because she is so informative and she's. on the front lines. And, you know, she's just like you and me, but she is just well educated, well spoken. She's spoken before, you know, so many Senate committee hearings so much.

I mean, maybe you can share a little bit about some of your experiences on Capitol Hill. So people realize, you know, you're not just speaking into a microphone, but you are a world renowned. expert in this area. And so when they follow you, they are following someone who has done the deep dive of research and your reputation precedes you in that you have earned the respect of people on all sides of the aisle, really.

So maybe you can explain a little bit about some of the things that you've done and they can go see some of your testimonies. 

Reggie Littlejohn: I've testified to the U. S. Congress like eight times at least, the European Parliament, I've spoken at several times, the British Parliament a couple times, the Irish Parliament, Canadian Parliament, I've briefed the White House twice the United Nations Convention conference.

I've spoken at the World, I mean, not the World Health Organization. I spoke against them in Geneva. But yeah, I mean, I've done, you know, I have spoken at several congressional press conferences just in the last year. And I was one of maybe two people, maybe three people, who were not kind of congressional representatives who were speaking at these congressional press conferences.

So it was a really, it was a really humbling experience. But yeah, we are having an impact. And you know, we can't just go back to thinking, “Oh, well, President Trump will take care of it.” President Trump's election gives us a chance, like a fighting chance to turn this around, but he can't do it alone.

We've got every single person has to play their part. 

Linda J Hansen: They do. And I appreciate you sharing some of these ways that you've testified and I know you have to go. So, we'll give people your information again, but listeners, I just want you to understand, like this is a world renowned expert and you can trust what she is saying and trying to help you understand.

And I'm so honored that you would come on the podcast that we're able to get this truth out. And I thank you so much. And I always talk to employers too, employers, please make sure your employees have this information. I mean, just help them have access to it somehow so that they can educate themselves.

So, we need to educate all American citizens and parents, educate your children. And Reggie, thank you again so much. So, could you give the website again, if people want to follow you and become part of your organization's efforts?

Reggie Littlejohn: So you can follow me on Twitter, @ReggieLittlejohn. That's on Twitter, X. And then my website is

Linda J Hansen: Perfect. Well, thank you so much. I look forward to having you back again and we'll be praying for you and thank you for standing strong for America. Okay. Thank you so very much.

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