Nov. 20, 2024

Ringside In The Midst Of Change – with Jeff Crouere – [Ep. 238]

We have all witnessed the boxing match of politics as dueling agendas have been promoted over the last several years, and especially in this last election. It has been a fight to the finish, not just for those at the top of the ticket, but for all...

We have all witnessed the boxing match of politics as dueling agendas have been promoted over the last several years, and especially in this last election. It has been a fight to the finish, not just for those at the top of the ticket, but for all down ballot candidates and citizen activists on both sides of the political aisle. We eagerly watched and waited in suspense for the winner to be announced, and now the nation is moving in the mandated direction of voters from across the country. Jeff Crouere, Linda’s guest in this episode, is host of Ringside Politics, an award-winning radio and TV program dedicated to providing front-row insights on top issues of the day at all levels of government. Jeff’s many years in politics and broadcasting bring unique wisdom and perspectives. Be sure to listen as he and Linda discuss the effects of this election on businesses, families, and our nation overall. 

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The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.


Linda J Hansen: Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101® Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics online course.

The book, the course, and the entire podcast library can be found on I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. 

My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests, and be sure to visit 

Thank you so much for joining with me today. It is another beautiful day after the election here in America. And I thank you for listening. You have a lot of media choices to choose from, and I am grateful that you are choosing to listen to this podcast today. Thank you. I also want to give a special thank you to our Prosperity Partners, those who give financially to help support this podcast and keep us on the air.

So we thank you. And if you'd like to become a Prosperity Partner, please visit the Prosperity Partner link on our website, And I'd like to give a shout out to our strategic partners. The three I'll focus on this week are the U. S. Christian Chamber of Commerce, Pro-Life Payments, and Red Balloon.

You can find out more about them and our other Strategic Partners in our show notes. And we thank you for supporting the freedom economy and this show by supporting our strategic partners. So today I have a special guest. Jeff Carrere is a popular political analyst. Columnist and radio and television personality.

Since January of 1999, he has been the host of Ringside Politics, an award winning radio program dedicated to examining the top issues of the day on the local, state, and national. National and international levels. The television version of ringside politics airs on real America's voice. And I'm honored to say I've been a guest on his show.

So thank you, Jeff, for that. He has a long history in broadcasting and politics, and I thought it would be great to have his take on the recent election. So Jeff, welcome. Thank you for being here. And what is your first snapshot? Thought about our recent election. 

Jeff Crouere: Hey, Linda, thanks for having me. I am still on cloud nine.

I mean, I'm still enjoying the aftermath. I'm still just in such a good mood. It was a real concern the whole election season. I was worried about what might happen if the Democrats were elected. Thankfully, the American people saw through it. made their choice in a landslide, which I don't think many people saw coming for President Trump.

But my analysis is that President Trump now has a mandate. He's got the House in the Senate. He won 312 electoral votes. There's no contesting it. He's even ahead in the popular vote first time since 2004. Republican president has won the popular vote. Now they're still counting Linda, which is the outrage.

That they're still counting and the margin keeps getting closer, and we're weeks out from the election, and this is still going on, which is in my view, unacceptable. And I think that needs to be 1 of the priorities of President Trump to try to clean up our elections, make the elections more alive, or where people can trust the results.

And, you know, when you're counting weeks after election day, I don't think many people have much faith in those results. But there's a lot to do. He's put together an incredible team. He's hitting the ground running and I think he's learned from the mistakes of the 1st term. And I think he's going to make sure that the people that he chooses are people that believe in his agenda and will support him.

Unlike what he had in the first term. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, exactly. He did not always have loyal people. And I know the press goes ballistic about him picking loyal people and it's almost common sense. It's like, why would you pick someone disloyal? But we just are so pleased with many of the picks he has. And if I could ask you, what is your favorite, what would you say is your favorite so far?

Jeff Crouere: Well, my boy, I've got a lot of favorites among what he's picked. My favorite is going to be a controversial one. I wrote about it. You can check out the column at townhall. com. My favorite is Matt Gates. And the reason is because he's a loyalist. He knows the corruption in the FBI and the DOJ. He's been on the Judiciary Committee for seven years.

He asked a tough questions and many others are too afraid to ask. He's been working with president Trump from the beginning. It was part of his inner circle. He knows what the president wants to accomplish. We've got to root out the DOJ. You need an outsider to do that. 

You can't pick someone from inside the DOJ and expect that person to clean out a department, which really does need to be cleaned out from top to bottom. I also like Tulsi Gabbard. I like R. F. K. Jr. I like Pete. Hey, Seth. I like at least a phonic. I mean, I like pretty much everyone. Of course, the lawn and the bake. I'm excited about what they're going to be doing with efficiency because.

Boy, we can cut some federal spending. So I think overall, it's very strong. Doug Burgum is a good fit for interior. Chris Wright is a good fit for energy. He's got a really strong group in my opinion so far. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, he really does. And I love the way you laid it all out there too. And these picks are incredible in that they are so varied, you know, the left always talks about how we need to be a party of diversity.

And if you look at the cabinet picks that the president. President Trump has picked, it certainly is a diverse cabinet, and so I don't know how anybody could argue with it. You've got democrats, republicans, independents, libertarians, you've got blacks, you've got whites, you've got men, you've got women. It's amazing. 

Jeff Crouere: Right? I would like to just point out that about women, because during the campaign he was accused of being a misogynist and sexist. And if he doesn't surround himself, remember what Mark Cuban said, he doesn't surround himself with strong women. Well, he's already picked a number of women for the cabinet and his top pick was a woman chief of staff.

I mean, there's nothing more important than your chief of staff. And his campaign manager was a woman. He's now got the same lady, Susie Wiles as his chief of staff. So it shows you that he does like to surround himself with very powerful and very intelligent, articulate women. Unlike The lies that we heard from Mark Cuban and so many others during the campaign.

Linda J Hansen: Well, exactly. I know the hair went up on the back of my neck when I heard that because I've met President Trump and I've met many of the people who work closely with him. And you know, I have not met someone who is not strong. Capable, intelligent, and just absolutely wonderful. So, I am really glad you brought that up, but we know that there's so much ahead.

And you mentioned Vivek and Ilan doing the cutting in the government waste. Some of the things that I've seen them already come up with have been so refreshing. And I don't know if you maybe even saw this video where Ilan was doing an interview and they were asking him about government support.

For charging stations and things. And he basically was like, cut it. We don't do that for gas stations, you know, just cut it. And I thought how great that here he was, you know, the head of Tesla. And he's saying, no, we don't need a government support for that. I mean, he gets it and it's really nice to see people in there who truly understand that things don't come from government.

You know, we have to have healthy, strong businesses that drive the economy. And it doesn't come from government. Government is not the answer. 

Jeff Crouere: Well, and, you know, look at the countries where government has been the answer, where you've had overreaching government Cuba, Venezuela come to mind.

Those aren't countries that are doing well. Those are countries where people can't even buy. Essentials at the store where there's you know, riots and obviously there's all kinds of economic problems. There's poverty they're, you know, extreme issues going on in those kind of countries.

And we want to follow I think the advice of our founders. We have limited government. We have checks and balances in our constitution. We've gotten away from that over the years with this behemoth federal government that is. All things to all people 36 trillion in debt now, so Yeah, we need to streamline government.

We need to bring back more to the private sector. I'd love to see the president follow through on his promise to move some of these departments out of D. C. I think too much of that power is collected in one area, and I think he's going to try to do some really bold things, Linda, and I'm really optimistic.

And he's got the people around him that are not timid people. These are not people that are within the system that are just going to move things a little bit on the margins. They're ready for bold change. 

Linda J Hansen: Exactly. And that is what is so exciting that we need bold change. We're at a point in America's history where, you know, we need boldness to turn this ship.

We have spent decades getting as bad as we are. So it's going to take a big surgery to, you know, take the tumor out, shall we say, but we know that they have Really set the course to change directions. And, you know, we talked before about how business is what drives the economy. And I've shared with you how I truly believe employers are a last frontier of sorts for educating generations of people in the workplace who really never got that fifth grade basic civics, economic American government education that, you know, some of us who are more seasoned in life did.

And I say to employers, please take some time to re educate these people who work for you, because they are the ones who will drive the economy for the future. They're the ones that will protect our freedom for generations to come. So it's up to us. It's really up to us. So what would you say to employers who need to help their employees understand these issues?

Jeff Crouere: Well, I would say exactly what you're saying. Take some time to help educate your workers. Make sure that they have the basic knowledge that, as you say, many of them don't have. There are lots of resources that are available both in the private sector and actually through state, local and federal government to educate.

workers and a lot of great organizations that do that. And let me just say this. I think one of the problems is you've had a lot of young people that have been indoctrinated and really haven't received basic history about our country, information about how our economy works capitalism has been demonized in high school and college.

And I'm hoping that we're going to see more of a trend for young people that might actually say, no, I don't need to get 80, 000 in debt. I don't need to be indoctrinated on the college campus. I'm going to try to start working. I'm going to go out there and learn a trade. I'm going to go out there and get educated by the school of hard knocks and figure out for me what I want to do and not let some professor administrator guide me in the wrong direction.

So I think some of that is happening. I think some people are waking up to what's been going on in college campuses, and I think you're seeing more people look at a bow tag, more people look at, you know, starting earlier in the workforce. And I hope that trend continues. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, I do too. And I like what I've heard president Trump talk about in terms of taking the money that has been spent on these endowments for these large universities to, for all their woke ideologies, the DEI and the CRT and everything else and.

And actually using that for. A free university. I just love this idea that there can be an educational opportunity for people that's tuition free and they can learn so much and get a degree. And I don't know where this will go or how soon this could be ready, but I love the idea. Being born and that it can be something that can be worked towards.

And I'm not one to say, Oh, the government should provide for everything. No, that's not what I'm looking for, but I do like the direction he's taking in that we're getting this big university system, this big education system tamed some, and we're bringing it back to its roots. 

Jeff Crouere: Well, I mean, yeah, I would encourage that as well.

Just look at how many of these big universities, their endowments are massive. They're getting all of this government money people that go there come out saddled with debt. And you know, they're also saddled with this indoctrination. They've been force fed all of this inaccurate information.

You know, you saw some examples during the campaign where some professors just went off on students. How can you be for Trump? Some of these people had to be fired and that's probably a small sampling of what is really out there. So, we need to get our universities back to being an open discussion format where free speech is encouraged where all sides are equally presented.

Where you have sort of a real factory for ideas and decision making and innovative thought where it's not this group thing where students feel like they can't go outside this little barrier of whether it be, green New Deal, or whether it be whatever pro Hamas beliefs are prevalent on campus or all these other issues that the far left really pushes.

So I'm hoping we're going to move in that direction and I don't think a lot of these universities should be subsidized because they're many of them are fabulously wealthy and have huge endowments. So we'll see what is coming. But I do know that the president wants to dismantle the department of education, which I think would be a great step in the right direction.

Linda J Hansen: I fully agree. I remember when I first started homeschooling back in 1984 back then I was advocating for dismantling the department of education and what we have seen since then. And since it was formed is a decline in America's standing among the world and our educational outcomes have really fallen.

And so, I a hundred percent agree. And for all of you who are panicking out there, I would say, don't panic. Just wait, learn more. Studying and search for truth on this issue because the media will, you know, cry fire, three alarm fire. And we have to really look at what is truly going to work well for America's students and America's families and school choice is a big part of that too.

Jeff Crouere: Yes. 

Linda J Hansen: Yes. 

Jeff Crouere: Yes. 

Linda J Hansen: Yes. 

Jeff Crouere: And I think we should get away from funding these high paid bureaucrats. And I mean, I wonder, you know, if analysis was done of where all this money is spent, how many of these bureaucrats are pulling down massive salaries, how much is actually getting to students and resources that students need.

And I think you'll find a lot of waste and it's always better to have money at the local level. I think you have a less tendency to waste it. I think it's more efficiently applied to other students. If we could move in that direction, that would be a great legacy that president trump could leave 

Linda J Hansen: Exactly. And speaking of that we should probably do that. I don't know how we do that at the pentagon Because they can't even pass their audits you know, we have to find 67 cents in our tax returns, but they're not Passing their audits. So, you know, hopefully be back tomorrow And Elon can help drill down in that as well.

And, you know, we need to get the government back on a good economic footing. We know that comes through efficiency and a proper use of taxpayer funds and eliminating waste. But we also know that, you know, a strong economy is built on healthy businesses. Business drives the economy and businesses help form communities and strong families. 

And so all of it is part of it. The policies that matter to business. That's what I do with Prosperity 101®, helping people understand that you talked about resources. You know, I have an online course, I have the podcast, I have a book. I want people to understand these things and be able to share them with their employees.

You know, you'll probably appreciate this because you knew him. As you know, I was deputy chief of staff for Herman Cain's presidential campaign, and he was actually like my first advisor when I first started prosperity one on one I went to him and I went to Steve Moore and Herman Cain looked at me and he would always call me Hanson.

It was a term of endearment. He looked at me and he said, Hanson, I'm on the radio all the time. This was, you know, before he ran for president. He said, they don't need Prosperity 101®. They need Prosperity 101®. And you can just hear him saying that. And he would tell me all the time simplify.

And so when we can provide information, whether it's on Ringside Politics or whether it's on my podcast or whether it's through your book or your columns or my writings when we can help people understand things at a level that really helps them learn how to be a better citizen. A better activist for their own freedom.

I think, you know, that we succeed. So I think—

Jeff Crouere: I would agree completely. And I just say that I've had the honor of interviewing both Herman Cain and Stephen Moore, and both of them are just just excellent contributors and just such a powerful intellects you know, miss Herman Cain What a giant and broadcasting and politics and 999 plan I thought was awesome.

And we had him down in the Louisiana in the world's area at our North shore tea party. I was there and you know, thousands of people were there. Wasn't that an awesome event? So, he's just, I mean, quite a person that made a great impact on this country. Just miss him and Stephen or he's everywhere.

I mean, I see him all over the place. So he is a very active guy. There's another brilliant person. So, we're really blessed to have those kind of people that have been able to contribute to the discourse and provide great information. Great ideas. And I'm just following Herman Cain's footsteps and bring on people like Steve Moore, and I'm glad to be with you and then talking about these issues today.

And if we can make a positive impact, I'm very pleased by that. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, I'm sure that you do you have and you will. So, how can people reach out to you and follow you? 

Jeff Crouere: Well, Linda, thank you. My website is easy. It's just my last name, crew, and we have on there, links to my columns and videos and book information and the shows and all the different things that I'm doing, and also all of our social media.

It's @JeffCrouere at Gab and Getter and True Social and X. And then on Facebook, it's at Ringside Politics and would love to hear from people. Jeff at WGSO. com is my email address and I'm on every morning on WGSO from seven to nine in the evening, six to seven, and people can check it out at WGSO.

com. And then as you mentioned earlier on Real America's Voice on Saturdays, and we'll have to get you back on there because we have a good following on there and love that network and what they're doing as well. 

Linda J Hansen: I love what Real America's Voice is doing. And I love your show and I am just excited Thankful to have the opportunity to introduce my listeners to you in a new way.

So thank you. And Herman Cain would love it that you're mentioning 999. And, you know, we were, I say we were Trump before Trump because we really were. And so unfortunately he didn't make it to the White House. But I feel like we were able to kind of set the table for this populist movement.

I've told people, you know, we were mega before mega was cool, you know, you're exactly, 

Jeff Crouere: I mean, you're exactly right. And he would have been such a better nominee than the guy we got who was a disaster. And of course, I'm talking about Mitt Romney and but it set the stage. All of that had to happen for Donald Trump to emerge.

So all that pain that we went through helped. With the creation of the movement for making America great again and Donald Trump. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, exactly and it's just like the last four years, you know as hard as it has been I've often told people it's like if you have cancer you need to Understand the symptoms of the cancer, then identify it, and then you can get rid of the cancer, right?

So these last four years have really shown us some things that need to be identified and removed in terms of our corrupt government and what we need to do to keep America free. So, any closing comments before we say goodbye? 

Jeff Crouere: No, Linda, thank you so much for having me. I'm just very optimistic, very hopeful excited about the future.

My only worry is these next few weeks until January 20th. I worry about what could be happening internationally here in this country, so I encourage people to pray for our country, for our president elect. And I'll feel a lot better come January 20th, 2025. That's for sure. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, amen to that. So thank you so much. And listeners be sure to check out his radio show and ringside politics on real America's voice. So thank you, Jeff, for being with us. I look forward to having you back. 

Jeff Crouere: Thanks, Linda.

Linda J Hansen: Thank you again for listening to the Prosperity 101® podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave a great review. Don't forget to visit to access the entire podcast library, to order my newest book, Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, or to enroll you or your employees in the Breakroom Economics online course.

You can also receive the free ebook, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful.

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