May 22, 2024

Open Borders - Threats Of Terrorism And Tyranny – with Todd Bensman – [Ep. 216]

Open Borders  - Threats Of Terrorism And Tyranny – with Todd Bensman – [Ep. 216]

The threat of terrorism within our borders has increased dramatically due to open border policies of the current administration. Every town is now a border town as illegal immigrants are being funneled into big cities, small towns, and rural areas...

The threat of terrorism within our borders has increased dramatically due to open border policies of the current administration. Every town is now a border town as illegal immigrants are being funneled into big cities, small towns, and rural areas across the nation. Each area is suffering with the economic, public health, and security challenges of such mass migration. Linda explores this increasing threat with Todd Bensman, a former counterterrorism intelligence officer and leading expert on the national security threats caused by open borders. Todd is Senior National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies and is author of the important book, “Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History.”  Todd provides information on recent testimony he gave to Congress regarding the threat of potential spies and terrorists entering the country at record rates. Listen today to learn how you can make a difference to protect our nation from terrorism and the ultimate tyranny that could follow. 

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For information on Todd Bensman visit or The Center For Immigration Studies at



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The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.