June 21, 2024

Legal Immigrants Speak – Promoting Freedom Policies – with Samuel & Ibrahim – [Ep. 220]

Legal Immigrants Speak – Promoting Freedom Policies – with Samuel & Ibrahim – [Ep. 220]

In this episode, Linda interviews two gentlemen who legally immigrated and are now hard-working American citizens. One came from Ethiopia, one from Sierra Leone.  Their experiences and the wisdom they share illuminate the need for an end to our...

In this episode, Linda interviews two gentlemen who legally immigrated and are now hard-working American citizens. One came from Ethiopia, one from Sierra Leone.  Their experiences and the wisdom they share illuminate the need for an end to our current open-border immigration policies, skyrocketing inflation, lawless cities, and involvement in wars and conflicts around the world. As immigrants, they have unique perspectives on what has made our nation strong and what has made it weak. They want to be a part of bringing about positive change to preserve liberty, opportunity, and prosperity for all. Their desire to be good citizens, to build a strong America, and to preserve freedom will inspire you to do the same. Listen to this insightful episode today. 

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The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.