May 29, 2024

Fighting For Sovereignty – Time Sensitive Updates From Geneva – with Reggie Littlejohn – [Ep. 217]

Fighting For Sovereignty – Time Sensitive Updates From Geneva – with Reggie Littlejohn – [Ep. 217]

Freedom is never free. It is fought for on battlefields, in courtrooms and government hearing rooms, and through education and airwaves as people throughout the ages have sought to be free. Globalist elites have been working diligently to gain power...

Freedom is never free. It is fought for on battlefields, in courtrooms and government hearing rooms, and through education and airwaves as people throughout the ages have sought to be free. Globalist elites have been working diligently to gain power and control of people across the world through various treaties and agreements decided by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who are eager to micromanage every aspect of our lives. How can we stop them and preserve our liberty? In this important, time-sensitive episode, Linda interviews Reggie Littlejohn, highly acclaimed lawyer and freedom activist. Reggie is a co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and Founder of Anti-Globalist International. She is tireless in her efforts to protect human rights and liberty for citizens around the globe. Listen today for time-sensitive, must-do action items to stop the globalist takeover of national sovereignty and individual rights.  

© Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

To contact Reggie Littlejohn and sign the Anti-Globalist International Manifesto, 



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The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.