Nov. 14, 2024

A New Generation Chasing Freedom – with Brett Galaszewski – [Ep. 237]

The recent landslide victory for Donald Trump was not simply a victory for a person or a party. The landslide was a generational mandate for America to return to Constitutional principles of individual freedom, liberty, capitalism, and common sense....

The recent landslide victory for Donald Trump was not simply a victory for a person or a party. The landslide was a generational mandate for America to return to Constitutional principles of individual freedom, liberty, capitalism, and common sense. Engaging young people in meaningful, non-judgmental conversations, educating them on issues, and empowering them to chase freedom by encouraging voter turnout brought enormous numbers of change makers into the political process. Linda’s guest, Brett Galaszewski, Field Enterprise Director at Turning Point Action, provides insight into the historic shift and discusses strategies used in reaching this demographic. Young people, and those young-at-heart, voted in record numbers, signaling a shift in the acceptance of mainstream media and the cancel-culture, woke policies of the last several years. The unmistakable mandate from voters will impact every family, workplace, and community as policy changes will bring increased opportunity and prosperity for all Americans. This episode will give you hope for America’s future. Listen today! 

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The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.


Linda J Hansen: Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101® Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics online course.

The book, the course, and the entire podcast library can be found on I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. 

My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests, and be sure to visit Okay. Well, thank you so much for joining with me today.

We are coming off a very historic election and there's so much to unpack and discuss. But before we do, I just want to say thank you again for joining with us and listening to this podcast. You have choices in media and it's overwhelming sometimes the choices in media. So if you have chosen to take time to listen to this podcast, I want to tell you, I truly Appreciate it.

And I know that you will have information that is valuable. So please stay with us throughout the episode. Also, I want to say a special thank you to our Prosperity Partners, those who provide financial support of whatever amount to help keep the podcast on the air. We appreciate you and just. Thank you so much for your support.

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And one last thing, please visit the show notes and support our Strategic Partners. For the sake of time, I will not mention them all. But today I'd especially like to mention the U. S. Christian Chamber of Commerce and Red Cross. balloon. Please support Kingdom Commerce by joining the U. S.

Christian Chamber of Commerce and be free to work and free to hire by joining with Red Balloon. So thank you to those strategic partners and to our others, which I will focus on in other episodes, but please visit the show notes and support our strategic partners to support the freedom movement.

Patriot economy. And now on to the episode. I have a returning guest, one of my favorites. This is a real dear friend and someone that I have grown to respect so much and just love watching his career grow. But Brett Galichewski is the field enterprise director for Turning Point Action. Brett has been on before, And I love his perspective because he really helps us understand what's happening with the youth in America and not just the youth, but really across the board and how this generational mandate that has occurred through the 2024 election can be carried through into upcoming generations.

So Brett, thank you so much for joining me again. And it's just a pleasure to have you back. 

Brett Galaszewski: Oh, thanks, Linda. I really appreciate you having me. I think this is my third time on the show and I always enjoy being here and discussing the future of conservative politics with you. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, yes, it is the third time and it's been fun to watch your career grow over the times that I've had you on.

But if you could explain for the listeners first, what turning point action is, I mean, some of us feel like who doesn't know about turning point, but there are a lot of people who don't. So, Please tell us a little bit about Turning Point USA, Turning Point Action, and what your role is as field enterprise director.

Brett Galaszewski: Yeah, I would be happy to. So a lot of people know Turning Point in the traditional sense of the youth organization, fighting the culture war on college campuses. Turning Point USA has been around for a little over 10 years. It was founded by Charlie Kirk. And so for those that pay attention to conservative media and the conservative grassroots, you know, that he's just an absolute juggernaut.

In the conservative grassroots. And so that's the five Oh one C three arm of turning point. They're the going into college campuses, going into high school hallways and helping break up that culture war that exists there. Turning point action, the five Oh one C four that I'm the field enterprise director for takes it one step further in the political sense.

We fight to preserve our freedoms. Four generations to come. And we do that in a number of ways. We activate that next generation of conservative leadership where we identify young people that show leadership potential and help them thrive, whether it's party leadership or running for office we help change how we know, get out the vote to be, and we can talk a lot about that this year on this episode in regards to what we did in Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania.

We just completely revamped how we look at. Campaigning geared it more towards the relational aspect. And then finally, there's an education aspect to what we do. And that's through our TPA scorecard, where we actually rank elected officials on how well they align with our conservative values and principles and use that as a formative tool to help equip our activists to go out and campaign.

So it's a really fun you know, trifolded operation that we have at TPA. And it's just been a privilege to be part of it for about five years now. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, it is just a privilege to be part of it on my end to the different roles I have played over time from volunteer to other things with Turning Point, but I am just so grateful for all of the people in Turning Point USA Turning Point Action, who have worked so hard across the country.

I know here in Wisconsin, we had an incredible amount of people. Chase the vote operation which you were, you know, just such a great advocate for and such a great example. But it wasn't just Wisconsin. I know Wisconsin, Arizona. Could you explain to the listeners what the chase the vote effort was and what does it mean to chase a vote?

Brett Galaszewski: Yeah, our chase the vote program was our grassroots field program. So when we were doing the deep dive at previous elections, we determined that one, we don't want to make any decision going forward unless it's supported by data to the backbone of any operation is going to be precise data and three learning from that data.

We discovered that. The Republican cause the apparatus, if you will, they don't have a quality of candidate issue. Like national pundits will say they have a turnout problem and we identified a very unique opportunity on our hands to go after what we call low propensity and disengaged conservative voters.

We drew our line in the sand about a year ago and decided this is no longer a war of persuasion among swing voters. We wanted to go after every single conservative voter and their mother and get them to vote because we identified enough of them that aren't voting to tip the election back in our favor.

These are people who are with us every step of the way on every conservative issue. But we'll do anything to get you off their porch. And certainly we have not voted over the last couple of election cycles. So we relationship built with those types of voters and turn those relationships into tangible votes.

It was really neat how we put this together. We discovered way back when that we created a community captain system where there was more value in saying, Hey, I'm your neighbor versus ham, a random stranger built those relationships. With with those low propensity and disengaged conservatives and then chase their vote, right?

To be clear, like the ballot chase is the idea of chasing down every single conservative vote that we can get. 

Linda J Hansen: As you have said to me, Privately, I was relational organizing before it was a cool thing to do, but that's basically what I did is go out and talk to neighbors, talk to friends, you know, talk to people in my community.

And, you know, it was amazing how people would just gradually. Open up and start to ask about issues. And we formed relationships and sometimes we still disagreed, but over time, so many people really understood that they actually were the conservative, you know, they would look at the party platforms or they would look at different issues and say, well, I'm over here on this issue.

And they just had nobody take the time to talk to. To them about these issues. And I know through the Chase a Vote program, so many relationships were formed and so many communities were strengthened. And, you know, even in my own community, I mentioned to you how I just gathered on my own a bunch of people that I knew were conservative, some I really hadn't met.

I saw their signs or. I was told by another person that they might be like minded, whatever, and I gathered them to pray on the Monday before the election when we were, you know, really asked across the country to stop at 6 p. m. I was able to have an incredible group of people within, you know, a five mile radius of my neighborhood, basically, and we got together to learn about issues, to pray for the election to support one another.

And that's what this is. Chase the vote is not just chasing votes, but it's community building, it's relationship building. It is really strengthening bonds so that we can help one another do what's best for the country moving forward. 

Brett Galaszewski: Yeah, it's amazing when you think of it like that, the stories we were hearing from some of our ballot chase representatives is, you know, Hey, I got Gary down the block to vote for the first time in 25 years and you're like, Whoa, you know, like these are people who, when you think of the profile of the low propensity voter, you know, there are people like you and me, Linda, but they don't value their vote in the same way that you and I do.

If I said to you, Linda, I'll give you, you know, 10, 000, but in exchange for that 10, 000, you can't vote in this upcoming Supreme court race in Wisconsin. You'd probably tell me to take a hike. Not everyone thinks like that. Most people would give up their vote for a stick of gum. And the data actually shows that there were likely people who put out Trump signs in 2020 in their yard.

That did not vote for him. That that putting a yard sign in their yard constituted a vote. So we saw a major hole in get out the vote as we know it. And we're really proud to plug that in places like Brookfield, Menominee Falls, just thinking regionally here in Wisconsin. Oh, Zaki County, a county that Republican candidates used to win by 30 points 10 years ago, that Republican candidates were barely winning by five or six points a couple election cycles ago, we hauled the line there.

So when you talk about the model that worked, making it too big, direct chase of the vote was the catalyst to that. We racked the score up in the rurals. We weren't even close to our ceiling of conservative votes in the rural communities. We maximized that, we held the line in the Milwaukee suburbs, and then we lost by less in communities like Milwaukee and Dane.

Chase the Vote did an incredible job of getting people to crawl out of the woodwork that otherwise would not have voted this year, making it where all they had to do was say yes. It's just absolutely incredible when you think of it at the surface level. 

Linda J Hansen: It really was incredible. And not only did I think it was incredible in terms of getting out these voters, but training activists, people who really hadn't been involved before, or you know, not only the paid staff that you had, but you had volunteer people stepping up to commit 100, you know, you could go onto the app and you could find a hundred people in your area that would just be great to talk to, to chase their vote.

And so, and I want to make sure that for those. People who may be concerned that chase the vote is the same as harvesting ballots. It is not. Whenever I was speaking to people about the chase the vote program, I made sure to clarify that this is not harvesting ballots where you go pick up the ballots.

You take a bunch of them over to your city clerk or a drop box or whatever. No. That chase the vote representatives did not do that. They. Encourage the voters. It was the voter who cast their ballot. And if they needed a ride to chase the vote, representative would help them or, you know, would explain to them where to go vote or whatever.

But it's different than harvesting ballots. It is just Chasing the vote and really helping people be engaged. I think another thing that I saw that was so encouraging was the education that was occurring because these low propensity voters, these disengaged voters, you know, like you said, you know, they just didn't value voting, you know, and a lot of people would think, Oh, shrug.

My vote doesn't make a difference, you know, big deal. It's just going to get stolen anyway. I mean, you heard that all the time, but then you start to help them understand how everything really works. And all of the people who are working, not just like say with turning point, but a lot of the election integrity organizations or things, you know, really working to make the process run the way it's supposed to and get the American engagement into the process.

It's incredible. I mean, we can see what has happened and I find it interesting too. I'm just speaking about election integrity. This is like for a whole nother podcast, right? And I've done a lot on election integrity. So listeners, I invite you to go look at the website and just search election integrity or anything like that.

And you will find some great podcasts on that and there'll be more to come. But if we look at the turnout it was, Really clarifying in that Kamala Harris really only one in states where there was no voter ID. So, you know, having the opportunity to make sure that we impact. Policy by getting these voters out to the polls, helping them to send a message to elected officials helping this generational mandate come through will really help us in the future as we work for other policies like voter ID or, you know, lower taxation, all these things that people who voted in the conservative.

manner this time have said that they care about. So, when you think about how this is impacting generations, like I said, it's a generational mandate and it's not just yours or mine, but I think of my grandkids, this is going to help my grandkids grow up in freedom and a more prosperous nation. 

Brett Galaszewski: Yeah, it does.

And you're seeing that generational shift now. It's occurring in heavily urban areas. It's occurring in areas that have college campuses. You're seeing that shift. You're starting to see people open up to the idea of conservative policy in a quicker way than previous generations have. I mean, just to throw a number at you, like in 2020, Biden was plus 24 among that 18 to 29 demographic.

Kamala Harris was only plus 11 this time around in 2024. So you're seeing us chip away at a very critical voting block. Conservatives won the Gen Z vote in Michigan, which is amazing when you think of how much weight is carried with the state of Michigan. We came close here in Wisconsin to winning the Gen Z vote but you saw just absolutely outstanding numbers out of places like UW Madison, Marquette, UWM Kamala lost six or sorry, Kamala lost seven points.

At UW Madison, like it's just it's interesting to fathom that you see a democratic candidate losing momentum in an area that previously they thought that they had the score racked up. And so, and with that, you're seeing a lot of, and I can talk specifically about Wisconsin, the Illinois spillover turned out favorably for Trump.

We didn't expect that look at a county like Kenosha County. County that, you know, since COVID has seen this huge uptick and the COVID exodus voters, people leaving Illinois to come on and live in Wisconsin. Trump won Kenosha County by 0. 3 percent in 16. He won it by 3 percent in 2020. He won it by 6 percent in 2024.

We had close to 20 full time ballot chase representatives in Kenosha County. So among voters that you wouldn't think would start being being, I guess the word would be, or the phrase would be conservative, curious, right? Starting to entertain conservative values and principles. Those, that voting block that you didn't think would turn out this year did.

And I think that says a lot about I think it says a lot about how the media has painted a picture. And I think it says a lot about the future generations and how they'll continue to vote. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, I think so too. And it's so encouraging because, you know, you mentioned Milwaukee and Madison. And before you mentioned Milwaukee County and Dane.

And so for listeners who aren't familiar with Wisconsin, Dane County is the Madison area. And you know, the. Wisconsinites often refer to it as the People's Republic of Madison, right? And it's that phrase because it's always been so liberal and but we are seeing this shift and you're talking about the critical thinking and I would just like to go back and so listeners too, if you have never followed Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA and Turning Point Action and just kind of the leader, here is someone who never went to college but he is Absolutely brilliant.

He knows how to discuss issues. He is poised. He is sensible. He is such a strong leader. He's had such an impact on this generation and this country, really the world. It's incredible. And I remember meeting him when he was just beginning turning point when he was very young and to see what has occurred as a result of him answering the call.

On his life and being willing to kind of buck the trend. It's pretty exciting, but so listeners, I encourage you to, you know, just search and Brett can tell you how to find access to they called it the brainwashed tour where they went on college campuses and brought in young people who could ask any question they wanted.

It's ask me anything from, to Charlie Kirk. And, you know, it was amazing to see. And we can see the answers these young people had in these questions they had, and then how they're thinking really began to open up. Like you mentioned before about being curious about conservative things, or starting to understand that maybe what the media told them wasn't actually factual.

And if we can get to that point then we can really help people understand. be better citizens because they're more understanding of how the media might be lying to them or twisting truth and where they can actually get factual information so they can make up their own mind. So can you tell people how to get to some of the clips of the brainwashed tours?

Brett Galaszewski: Yes. Yeah. So a couple of ways you can do that. So follow Charlie Kirk on any social media platform that you're on Instagram, Twitter, now X Facebook he posts those videos regularly. Also, you can go to TP action on Instagram X Facebook, whatever platform that you're most comfortable with. And we're regularly posting clips from that brainwash tour.

I'm so happy that you mentioned that we're really proud of the work that we did with the brainwash tour on a daily basis. We were going to. Campuses like the university of Arizona the university of Pittsburgh, Penn state university, the university of Wisconsin. We did one at the university of Montana.

I mean, we just, we went all over the country and Charlie is so brilliant. He sets up a table on these college campuses. And like you said, invite students to come talk with him actually prefers when dissenting opinion students are at the microphone because not only one, does it give students talking points and kind The idea behind, hey, this is us creating critical thought and then having a dialogue here on college campuses.

But two, it sends a flare signal to other conservative students that are watching that it's okay to be a conservative. It's okay to speak up and it gives them the confidence to let that voice be heard in their classes, whether it's a professor, whether it's somebody in the administration, a friend in their sorority, Who, you know, has a dissenting opinion, it really creates a good culture among those conservative students.

It builds that web. And then you have that paired with the fact that we were throwing literal thousands of mega hats out in the crowd. I mean, the brainwashed tour stop that we did at Penn State University really moved the needle. When you look at Center County. In Pennsylvania and how they performed and how badly Kamala underperformed, you got to point to events like that where we threw out a literal thousand mega hats to students, sprayed the campus with mega hats, right?

The herd mentality takes over at that point. And then giving students this refreshed sense of confidence to go out and convince other students of theirs to go out and vote. When you talk about low propensity voters, oftentimes students fall right into that category because they value other things like their studies.

So, when you look at the numbers on college campuses and you look at just how we performed, it's incredible to think that we made that impact. 

Linda J Hansen: You did. And the other thing that I loved about it is one thing that I always say is we need to help people understand how to think about these things, not what to think.

And I loved how Charlie would approach all these things because he would just do it through like almost coaching the young people, like asking them questions. So they would be forced to answer these questions for themselves. They would be forced to think about. Oh, is that really fact what I'm believing or how do I actually know that or whatever, but it really, it didn't tell them what to think.

He, I never saw him tell people what to think. He always helped them ask the questions that Would open up their curiosity, their thinking, and their understanding. And that's so important. That's important for a 90 year old disengaged voter. And that's important for an 18 year old new voter. And I worked the polls where where I live.

I worked on election day and I did voter registration all day for listeners. You may not know, but Wisconsin allows same day voter registration. And not every state does, but Wisconsin does. And we had like over 60 percent increase in same day registration. It was incredible. And I know one of the wards I'm not sure about all of the other wards.

And for listeners around the country, we have wards here, not precincts, but it's basically the same thing. But one of the wards had 92. 2 percent turnout, this is incredible. And so, you know, I feel like the chase, the boat, the brainwash tour, all these things that we can do to help educate people is so important.

But before we close, I do want to make sure we touch on two things. And one is how does this affect employers and how can employers educate their employees about these things and bring some of this information into their workplace, which I know. You know, we've talked about before, but then also it's really easy for people to come off of a big landslide win that, you know, you think, Oh, great.

The country's back on track. People understand how to protect. Freedom. And everybody goes back in their corners, back to their disengaged life. And, you know, it's business as usual. Well, business as usual got us to where we were these last four years, business as usual got us to a point where conservatives were, you know, censored on social media or debanked somewhere, even put in jail business as usual.

Got us there. We cannot go back to that. To that. So, two questions. One, what would you tell employers to tell their employees now? And how can we keep that education going? But then also, what would you tell the general public about staying engaged for the next four years and beyond, so we can truly keep America free.

Brett Galaszewski: Yeah, I'll start with the general public. The best play in the democratic playbook is them assuming that we're gonna rest on our laurels, a big win like this, sit on our thumbs and say, Hey, we did it. We saved Western civilization. Yeah, job complete. And the reality of the situation is the devil works through distractions.

And that's an example of a distraction that could lose us our country the next time around. We have to keep this momentum going. Here in Wisconsin, we have a very pivotal Supreme court race with a lot riding on it. If we get the conservative majority on our Supreme court, we can protect voter ID. We can protect things like act 10, which is the staple of the Walker administration about 15 years ago.

Next year, we have an opportunity here in Wisconsin. Wisconsin to take the governorship, which is something we absolutely need. So we can round out the conservative majority in the state having control of the house and the Senate. So, we cannot let our foot off the gas. And in fact the powers that be the socialists, the ones who actually want to bring.

Communist views to the country. That's part of their playbook. They want us to sit back and relax as far as employers go and how they should treat employees. When it comes to conservative thought over the next couple of years is that you saw a big enough sample size that for the very first time, the college campus environment was willing to talk about conservative politics, particularly among young men.

Gen Z men turned out for Trump in a way that they never have before. I mean, when you have Kamala underperforming at the university of Wisconsin by seven points, UW Platteville by five points, UW lacrosse by 23 points, it's safe to say that there was something different about the college campus environment, this cycle.

And for a lot of these students that are going to be graduating from college and moving on the workplace in those first couple of years is very similar to the college environment. There you're looking to find your voice. You're looking to find your niche in that workplace. And oftentimes it only takes one or two bad eggs in the workplace to begin talking about liberal policy where the herd mentality takes over.

And now it's essentially the same experience that student had for the first three years of their college life, where they were afraid to speak up where they thought it wasn't okay to be a conservative. So the best thing that an employer can do is allow conservative and just political dialogue in general.

To take place when you over police it in the same way that, you know, college campus professor would that's the breeding grounds for socialism. Then the indoctrination train starts rolling again, and then we see the same types of problems that college campuses created for previous conservative candidates.

So that would be my advice. To employers who want to integrate conservative policy into the workplaces. The best thing you can do is keep that conversation going and strike while the iron's hot. These students who are now entering the workplace are so ripe when it comes to talking about conservative politics right now.

Linda J Hansen: Well, and I would say it's not just conservative politics in the sense of conservative versus liberal or whatever. And this is why I do prosperity one on one. I mean, because, you know, we have this opportunity in the workplace. So employers, if you are listening. Please call the housing or employees talk to your employers.

Please because you know we have these generations of young people who have come through the reste public education system. Basically, they've not been taught the basics of our constitutional system of government. They've not been taught about how it all works, the three branches of government, not four, the three branches of government and how they can be involved as a citizen.

And they've not even been taught what their rights are. Are their rights as a citizen are and how to protect them. And so I'm telling employers, you have an amazing opportunity to reeducate these young people. And like, like you said, Brett, they're coming off of this landslide wind. They have been awakened through things like the brainwash tour, like turning point the walkaway campaign, Brandon struck, I has the walkaway campaign.

So people, if you haven't heard about that, just start Google, you know, just do a search on a walkaway campaign. And you'll find testimony after testimony, hundreds of videos of people who started to just question and think differently. And they began to understand the importance of being engaged politically.

They began to understand what it means to protect our rights as citizens and what the constitution really stands for. So in the workplace or in the school, you know, it's critical. I love to get rid of even the labels of conservative or liberal. I definitely like to get rid of Democrat and Republican, although we do have to pick one side of the ticket.

I get it. You know, we have to pick, but we need to vote on policy. And so when we pick these policies, then we can pick the person or the party that supports those policies. So if we choose to promote the constitution the constitutional principles that Protect our rights. That is what is going to help us save America and protect freedom for not only our nation, but be able to spread it across the world.

So, how can people get to you, Brett? And what other closing comments do you have? 

Brett Galaszewski: Yeah, well, my, my big closing comment is we're just so thankful for all the hands on deck that we had this year. The hundreds of people that we hired for chase the vote who were community organizing in the areas that they know best, the areas that they live in the thousands of people that joined commit 100 across the country and helped us chase ballots in critical swing states like Wisconsin and Arizona.

It was just amazing to see everyone come together from all four corners of the country, but the globe as well. We had people from Australia and Canada and other countries that were coming to Wisconsin, Arizona to chase ballots with us. It's just so, so incredible. I'm so thankful for the machine that we built this year based on evangelical passion, as I like to call it.

So, that's a long way of saying that if you haven't yet gotten on board with what we're doing at TP action and you're inspired, you're moved by what Linda and I were talking about today, please visit us at tpaction. com. You can get a whole rundown on what we do as an organization, the impact that we've made.

All over the country. And then you can get involved with us. You can sign up to get involved with us. We'd love to teach you the ropes. We'd love to show you how to community organized in your neck of the woods. If you run an Alliance group, if you run some type of activism group in the country, and you'd like us to come in and teach us or teach you how to ballot chase, How to, you know, hold grassroots trainings, how to move the needle in your community.

We'd absolutely love to do that. So tpaction. com is where you can find that you can follow me on Twitter or X. However you prefer to say it it's B Gals W I not only am I constantly posting updates about what's going on here in Wisconsin, but because I'm in the national role it's a good insight into what's noteworthy on the national scale.

So I'm always on Twitter tweeting things that are listeners to the show here, or those that are involved in conservative politics need to hear. So there are multiple ways to get involved. We'd love to have you. 

Linda J Hansen: Well, that's such a great point. And please do follow him and please do go to tpaction.

com. But, you know, before you mentioned how we can't. Take our foot off the gas right and you mentioned some things here in Wisconsin like we have a Supreme Court race coming up We've got the gubernatorial race coming up Soon, and you know all these things but that's happening across the nation. So listeners, it's important for you to follow TP action calm and follow Brett because you will find out what's happening in your state and I want to refer you back to their scorecard if You go back on their website and see their scorecard You can begin to see How your elected officials have voted.

And you may want to get involved in a campaign or maybe run yourself, who knows, but you can begin to see. So these are great tools that you can use at you know, we've come off This landslide victory in a sense for what Americans want. And, you know, I give empathy and care. If there's anybody that was on the left, that's listening now, that thinks you're going to get thrown in jail.

Your rights are gone. It's not true. Like, it's just not true. We want to assure you that we want freedom for all people. We want freedom of religion, freedom. For you to choose where you want to live or where you want to work, where, you know, this, everything you hear about the rights that are going to be taken under this new administration, you know, it's just not there.

So again, I invite you to go to tpaction. com, but also that walkaway campaign, and you can see how some people realized. You know, that's not always what people think, you know, just because you've been told something doesn't make it a fact. So, we want to help you know how to think about these things, not what to think listeners, we want you to make up your minds and then employers, parents community leaders, please.

Help spread truth among your neighborhood, your workplace and your families. So thank you again, Brett. It's always a pleasure to have you. And it just having a young person such as yourself and others involved in Turning Point gives me hope for America. And we just thank you. 

Brett Galaszewski: Well, thank you so much, Linda.

I always love coming on here. It puts a smile on my face a mile long if you can't tell. But thank you for all the work that you're doing in breaking the mold in such a critical environment, the workplace. I really admire the work that you do at Prosperity 101 and excited to partner with you on future initiatives.

Linda J Hansen: Well, thank you so much. I'll have you back again. 

Brett Galaszewski: Awesome.

Linda J Hansen: Thank you again for listening to the Prosperity 101® podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave a great review. Don't forget to visit to access the entire podcast library, to order my newest book, Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, or to enroll you or your employees in the Breakroom Economics online course.

You can also receive the free ebook, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful.

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