The recent election provided a window into the heart and soul of America. This was not just a win for President Trump, it was a generational mandate in favor of the principles and policies that have made America great. Voters who chose Trump did not...
The recent election provided a window into the heart and soul of America. This was not just a win for President Trump, it was a generational mandate in favor of the principles and policies that have made America great. Voters who chose Trump did not vote for a single man, they voted for policies that will promote freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for all American citizens…not just for Trump supporters. It is now clear that things like free speech, low inflation, affordable energy, border security, reduced crime, election integrity, and parents’ rights are important to a majority of American citizens. Average citizens are not shocked by this, but the elites and media pundits want us to believe it was all about race or gender. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this episode, Linda shares her thoughts about the election results and how we can work together across the nation to bring back civility, prosperity, security, and common sense.
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Linda J Hansen: Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101® Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics online course.
The book, the course, and the entire podcast library can be found on I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs.
My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests, and be sure to visit
Thank you for joining with me today. As always, I want to say a special thank you to our Prosperity Partners. Those who provide support to keep these podcasts on the air. If you'd like to become a prosperity partner, please visit the prosperity partner link on our website, prosperity, one on one. com. If you cannot support financially, please simply share this podcast with others to help spread the freedom message.
I also encourage you to visit the websites of our strategic partners, all listed in the show notes, to engage in the patriot economy and with other like-minded businesses who care about the values that made our nation strong. I realize you are likely being bombarded with many options when it comes to media, especially right after the election.
So if you are taking time to listen to this short podcast, I want to say a very special thank you. I'll keep it short because I'm sure you are feeling media overload like many others across the country. I've titled this episode A Generational Mandate. We, the people, have spoken. Wow! What an election. It was an historic landslide that has now truly set the tone for a generation.
Winning the popular vote and the electoral college is absolutely historic and has laid the groundwork for a generational shift in American politics. The November, 2024 election provided a window into the hearts and souls of American citizens. This was not just a win for president Trump. It was a generational mandate in favor of the principles and policies that have made America great.
Voters who chose Trump did not vote. For a single man, they voted for policies that will promote freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for all American citizens, not just for Trump supporters. While no surprise to the average citizen, it is now glaringly clear that things like free speech, Low inflation, affordable energy, border security, reduced crime, election integrity, and parents rights are truly important to a majority of American citizens.
Most people are not shocked by this, but the elites and media pundits are still in a mode of shock and unbelief, and they want us to believe it was all about race. or gender. Nothing could be further from the truth. Americans just want a return to common sense. Common sense was on the ballot, and not just in the presidential race, but in races across the nation.
Common sense ideas dominated, and Americans spoke loudly about what they want. Americans want people to have the opportunity to live their American dream, but we want everyone to earn it, not to be handed it by taking it from others. We want equal opportunity for all, but we will not guarantee equal outcomes for all.
We want everyone to rise and achieve their dreams. We want a nation where we are judged by character and merit, not by skin color or gender. We are a nation that welcomes immigrants, but we simply want them to come here legally and to become contributing members of our society. Not criminals, cartel members, sex and drug traffickers, and we do not want immigrants draining the pockets of hardworking taxpayers and receiving benefits and resources that should go to American citizens in need or to the veterans who have risked their lives to serve our nation.
Americans believe in providing a hand up, not a hand out. Americans also want to afford a home, groceries, gasoline, health care, and maybe even a vacation now and then. They are sick of runaway inflation, rising debt, and watching as our hard earned tax dollars flow overseas to fund corrupt, Governments, and the military industrial complex in endless wars that destroy the lives of families all over the world.
We want free speech. We don't need internet fact checkers because we can figure out how to fact check for ourselves. We certainly do not want the government deciding what we can or cannot say or write or see or read. We want George Orwell's writings to remain fiction, not real life. We object to the globalist elites who want to control us through social credit scores, digital currencies, control of the food supply, mandated vaccines, and 15 minute cities.
We object to government control over the family, and we believe parents have a right to lead their families in a way they believe is best for their children. We believe we should have informed consent regarding any drugs or vaccines. And we want the American food and water supply to be protected from dangerous chemicals or ingredients that are negatively impacting the health of our citizens.
We believe in free speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to travel, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to fair trials and the rule of law. We believe in the Constitution and the three branches of government providing checks and balances. We believe in the rights of the people to choose their elected officials and we believe in free, fair, transparent, honest elections in which only legal citizens are allowed to vote.
We believe in protecting the rights of women and young girls to not have biological men in their sports, locker rooms, bathrooms, or sleeping quarters. And American women do not want to be given opportunities just because we are women. We are capable of earning our successes and being leaders in our own right.
And to those who think President Trump will discriminate against women, Did you notice he just picked the first woman in American history to be his presidential chief of staff? He has always elevated smart, capable women, both in politics and business. If one researched past the headlines of hate, they will find the historical truth of his support of women.
We believe America can and should be the economic and military leader across the world. We believe in America first, but not America only. We can and will provide the example of hope and human flourishing for all the world. And once we get our own financial house back in order, we want to be generous to help others.
But we believe we should always keep America first. We believe it is good to be patriotic, to defend our flag, to protect our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. We believe America is an amazing country, and we want our children and grandchildren to have more opportunity and freedom in the decades ahead.
As I said, the people who voted for Donald Trump did not simply vote for a man. We voted for our country. We voted for future generations. We voted for health, for safety, for opportunity. We voted for freedom. America is still the beacon light of freedom. The light grew a bit dim recently. But it is shining brightly once again.
Our best days are yet to come. We are ready to make America strong, free, prosperous, healthy, and great again.
Thank you again for listening to the Prosperity 101® podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave a great review. Don't forget to visit to access the entire podcast library, to order my newest book, Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, or to enroll you or your employees in the Breakroom Economics online course.
You can also receive the free ebook, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful.
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