May 9, 2024

Mission Driven – Saving Babies With Every Swipe – with Arturo Del Rio, Jr. – [Ep. 214]

Mission Driven – Saving Babies With Every Swipe – with Arturo Del Rio, Jr. – [Ep. 214]

You have likely heard of people who have been de-banked or cancelled in one way or another due to their conservative viewpoints. How can we, as business leaders or simply as consumers, protect ourselves from being cancelled and yet stay true to our...

You have likely heard of people who have been de-banked or cancelled in one way or another due to their conservative viewpoints. How can we, as business leaders or simply as consumers, protect ourselves from being cancelled and yet stay true to our values? One way is to support organizations that align with our beliefs and values, like our newest Strategic Partner, Pro-Life Payments. Listen as Linda interviews Arturo Del Rio, Jr., Chief Mission Outreach Officer at Pro-Life Payments, to hear the inspirational story of their mission to support mothers, fathers, and babies as they provide excellent products and un-cancellable payment processing services for businesses and non-profit organizations. We can help others - and our country - by choosing to conduct business in the patriot freedom economy and making sure we know how our money is being spent. Listen to this episode if you are interested in supporting companies aligned with your values and visit to learn how to engage with our newest Strategic Partner, Pro-Life Payments.  

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Support our Strategic Partner, Pro-Life Payments, and help save babies with every swipe. Visit for more information.

The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.

Linda J. Hansen: Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101® Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics online course.

The book, the course, and the entire podcast library can be found on I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. 

My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests, and be sure to visit 

Thank you for joining with me today. I know you have many choices when it comes to the media you consume. So, I want you to know, I deeply appreciate the time you are taking to listen to this podcast and to be engaged with me and my work with Prosperity 101®. 

I also want to thank our Prosperity Partners, who are providing support to keep the podcasts on the air. Prosperity Partners support the podcast by providing a contribution of any amount regularly or as a one-time gift. If you would like to be a Prosperity Partner, please visit the Prosperity Partner link on our website, 

And I invite you to support us by supporting our strategic partners. If you are looking for a non-woke job board and recruiting firm, look no more. Join Red Balloon, where you can be free to work and free to hire. Use code “P101” when joining, and you can help to support both organizations. You can also use code “P101” to join the U. S. Christian Chamber of Commerce or Christian Employers Alliance. 

See links in the show notes for all, and please support us and our partners in the freedom economy. I've been hinting a lot about a new strategic partnership that we are announcing, and today is the day.

You've likely heard of people who have been de-banked or canceled due to their conservative viewpoints. I have featured several, like James Staake or Claton Butcher, or Andrew Crapuchettes, founder of Red Balloon who was canceled, which led him to starting Red Balloon. How can we, as business leaders, protect ourselves from being canceled and yet stay true to our values?

Well, today I'm introducing you to our newest strategic partner, Pro-Life Payments. Pro-Life Payments is committed to “saving babies with every swipe.” And they put their money where their mouth is in support of pro-life organizations.

My guest today is Arturo Del Rio, Jr., the Chief Mission Outreach Officer for Pro-Life Payments. Thank you so much for joining with us today, Arturo. 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Well, thank you for having me, and thank you for your fantastic intro. We really do, like, we do put our money where our mouth is. We're big believers in our mission. 

Linda J. Hansen: Well, you do. 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: And we're believers in you. Thank you for having us. 

Linda J. Hansen: Well, thank you. I'm excited about this partnership. We've been working on this for a while and I couldn't be happier than to support Pro-Life Payments. Any organization that is supporting, helping moms and babies is something I would love to give support to. 

So, tell us a little bit about you, how you got involved with Pro-Life Payments, and then we'll go from there.

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Yeah, sure. So, well, it was pretty cool. So, I've been in the AI space and technology space for a long time. And one of my old companies, we had a business development technology with AI, and well, it convinced Jared, the CEO and Founder of Pro-Life Payments to book a meeting with me, and I loved it. 

You know, I met the guy, we jumped on a call, and he's on fire. You know, telling me about what's going on in the payment space and people getting canceled. And, you know, these Christian organizations, conservatives, non-profits, pro-life nonprofits, having all these issues, and he informed me, frankly, pretty mind-blowing stuff to me, but a lot of major payment processors, banks, frankly a lot of financial organizations, even donation management platforms.

Many of which, not only are against our values, but some of these entities are actually active investors in organizations like Planned Parenthood. And my mind was blown. So, you know, at the time I had decided to start studying, to go into ministry full-time, which I've still just got a license and I'll be ordained in a couple of years.

And when I learned about this, I thought to myself, you know, AI is pretty cool. But it ain't baby-saving saving cool, you know, or mom-helping cool. Why not take my skill sets here and help really take this organization to sort of another level so that we can make a bigger impact? 

You know, our goal is to become the world's largest pro-life donor, and we're on our way. And we've been working diligently towards it. So, you know, first opportunity I had, I came over here full-time and joined as a Chief Mission Outreach Officer. I'm also a partner in the organization as well. 

And that's kind of the plan, you know, come here and help moms and save babies at scale. It's a cool mission. And I figured before I go sell for Jesus, he wasn't mad about me helping moms and saving babies, you know.

Linda J. Hansen: I think that that is great. And, you know, this is one of the things, a lot of times pro-abortion individuals and people who really don't understand the pro-life movement often think that we just don't care about the mothers.

We just, you know, we don't care if they're hurting or if they're having a rough time in life or something like that. And we're saying, “No.” No, what we do care, we care about the mom and the baby. And we also care about the father. 


Linda J. Hansen: Yes, pro-life people care about the entire family, the mother, the father, the baby. You know, grandparents suffer when abortions happen, too. There's grief and loss, and even if they don't know, you know, it's still taking away from them their future generations. And it's just such a heartbreaking thing that we've allowed in America and around the world that women can abort their babies.

And so, I love your mission that you want to be able to help support women and make sure babies can be supported. And so, tell us how Pro-Life Payments shares your funds with other pro-life organizations. 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Yeah. So, I mean, well, first off, I could not agree with you more. I've heard that a lot. In fact, I've been called all kinds of cool names. You know, everything from being a racist to a misogynist, to things that are, I don't know if they understand what those words mean. I'll be honest with you. 

You know, it couldn't be further from the truth. You know, as a Jesus guy, you know, we're not here to limit. We're here to empower. It's very different. We're not here to give you a lack of choices by saying, “Hey, end it all.” We're here to create choices by giving you opportunities to thrive and grow. 

And it's not about berating people or yelling at them or judging them, or hating them. Quite the opposite. The Lord calls us to love everybody, including those who already have, unfortunately, made those difficult decisions and had abortions. Jesus loves them, too. 

And I want to be clear. We're not against any individual. That's not who we are as individuals nor a company, and much less due to our calling. We love you. And we really hope that we can find a way to show that love in what we do in our mission. And our mission is about giving. 

You know, a lot of people in this industry do a couple of things. You know, they will slap of Jesus stick around something. It'll be a mediocre to weak, you know, or expensive or both kind of solution, and that's not bringing excellence. We really, apart from wanting to be better and thriving and striving to have great products and services, it really is about the mission first.

You know, we give away 15 percent of our gross receivables, not profit gross receivables, and we give them to organizations, who aren't just aiding in things like, you know basic resources. A lot of these organizations help direct these women to financial literacy or even job trainings, right? A lot of these folks provide support for people who already had abortions, both men and women who are suffering and struggling from those decisions. 

So, you know, ultimately we're here to become that world's largest owner, but we want to do that on excellence. Not on mediocrity or just having you come because we have that Jesus sticker or that pro-life sticker on our company. No, quite the opposite. 

We believe that we should be doing better and we should be doing more. And that's to, you know, looking at our products and our solution set. We want you to speak to us because of our values, but we want you to come use us and stay because we're better at. 

So, you know, I think that aptitude and want to be a servant, which is what we're called to be is really, I think it comes through, you know. And that's really our mission and, you know, what we strive to do every day. And I guess the last thing I'll say, a lot of times I've seen in this market, and this has been a new world for me, having come to private sector, a lot of times I see people are giving away a percentage, but if you really look at it, they're often inflating pricing. And then given something away, but they're making more anyway. 

That's not what we're doing. You know, we're not only willing to match, but we're willing to beat pricing. You know, this isn't about profits for us. We are not money-motivated. We are mission-driven and really called to this to help these mothers, children, and support those that are really in need in this space. 

Linda J. Hansen: That is so important. And I can align with that so much because I feel like my mission with Prosperity 101®, you know, I want to do it with excellence. I want to serve people. I want it to make an impact. you know, as believers in the marketplace that's how we can really honor the Lord is by working with excellence, working with integrity, being truthful, providing great value, sticking true to our mission while we serve others.

And I just, I love what you all are doing. So, if people would want to become a customer for Pro-Life Payments, what would be their first step? 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Sure. Well, first off, we'd love to ave you visit us. But please either let us know that our lovely friend over here, Linda at you know, P101, you know, brought you to us. We want to make sure we credit her. It'll support her mission, which we love, too. 

But you can check us out at We would love to hear from you. We work with for and non-profits and everything from basic payments, all the way through QuickBooks, you know, specialized integrations for cashflow improvements.

And then we even have a giving platform and a full for profit and non-profit CRM. Non-profits, I believe you all refer to that as a donor management system, but it is a CRM, just so you know. But anyway, we have all these different products and services and, you know, we'd love the opportunity to tell you all about them.

Linda J. Hansen: Well, I think that is great because as I mentioned earlier in the broadcast, you know, I've interviewed people who have been canceled. Listeners, if you want to go search on my website for just James Staake, you'll see three episodes I've done with James. He and his family were canceled with their business, Your American Flag store. 

Not only were they canceled from Facebook, but they were also canceled off of PayPal. PayPal held money and refused to basically allow them to do business. And then Shopify literally removed items from their shop. Now, were they doing something horrible? Was it obscene? Was it awful? Was it anti-American? No. 

They had patriotic flags custom designed for their customers, and all was well until one of the customers ordered a flag with Donald Trump in the bottom right corner, as they would do all sorts of pictures or insignias, anything on the bottom right corner, to personalize these flags. But once this customer posted a flag that had Donald Trump on the bottom right corner, everything went crazy with Your American Flag store.

And James is quick to tell the story and he is very vocal and he's been working very hard on changing legislation and many things that are helping to make sure what happened to them never happens to anybody. I talked to Claton Butcher. That's another episode, listeners, you might want to listen to.

And then even the ones with Andrew Crapuchettes with Red Balloon. I've interviewed him a few times and you can hear his story of being canceled and what led him to start Red Balloon. 

So, you know, we don't have to be canceled. Our voice is important. And when we are coming and saying we care about the entire individual, we love people no matter who they are. We want to help support them. We want to give them opportunity and options and guidance, and, you know, a lift up, not a handout, you know.

We want to be able to truly love them. These are things that, surprisingly enough, in this culture are often canceled. Yeah, it sounds crazy. And so, having an avenue like Pro-Life Payments where we know we are spending our money with an organization that has values that support life and freedom and a Christ-centered a foundation, and having an organization that then turns around and is generous. So, as we conduct business, just think every swipe, every customer you have, listeners, could be helping to support life and what an opportunity. 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Amen.

Linda J. Hansen: What an opportunity. So, whether you are a business owner that thinks, “Wow, I think I'd like to contact Pro-Life Payments about getting that as my payment processing program,” but maybe you are a customer. So, if you're a customer, you're just a regular listener out there. 

You don't own a business. You might even be retired. You can go into businesses and say, “Say, have you heard of Pro-Life Payments?” And ask them if they would like to support freedom and life by using your company. I mean, these are little things that we can do, even it's just a random individual who swipes their credit card when they go get a haircut or something, right? 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Yeah.

Linda J. Hansen: You can, you know, it doesn't matter. We do this all the time. 

Think of how many times you swipe your card, your debit card, or your credit card in a day. And even if you're not swiping it, how many times is it being used through automatic payments, right? But every single transaction could help save babies and help serve moms.

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Amen.

Linda J. Hansen: And dads. So, you know, I just am thrilled about this strategic partnership and want to make sure it's a success and that people really do align with the mission and start using Pro-Life Payments. 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Well, we appreciate you. Goodness gracious. You rock. 

And you know what? For the non-profits and even for the consumer, you know, we didn't talk about this. In about 60 days, we're releasing our answer to Venmo and Cash app. We're actually going to have our peer-to-peer app on the market in just a little bit of time as well as international payments.

And down the road will be what's called a Neobank online bank for these reasons. And, you know, that debanking cancellation, we literally got a call from a Christian school out of Ohio. One of their patrons passed away and asked that donations be given to them in lieu of flowers. And what happened? Stripe froze their account and they won't tell him why. And all of a sudden now, it could be 90 could be 120 days without explanation. 

So, after a while, you're quite right. You know, you start triangulating what the reasons are behind this. And this is not somebody selling offensive things. This isn't somebody who even fell on a flag, which I thought we were Americans and we're allowed to have our own political persuasions, but anyway.

But, you know, this is a Christian school that is literally somebody who passed away, asking people to support their mission in educating Christian youth. Even that wasn't good enough. 

So, you know, we get these panic calls with some frequency because of this. I can tell you definitively, we're not out here canceling anybody for their, you know, belief system.

So, we'd love an opportunity to work with them, for-profits and non-profits alike. We have really cool solutions and we really genuinely strive to be the best, and we'd love to show you. 

You know, we're not asking you to just believe us. Take a look at what we do. And, you know, we’re proud of what we put together, the type of services we offer. 

And frankly, it sounds crazy, but we answer the phone. I know that sounds pretty nuts these days, but as a financial organization, you can call someone and they will talk to you. They will schedule an onboarding. They will review your problems on a website. You know, not just here's the frequently asked question page, go figure it out, we believe in you, right? We have that too, by the way.

But the reality is, you know, we do want to be able to talk to our customers as though they were paying people that are supporting us should we not be there to support them and serve first. So, and I know you're passionate about that, but it's like people have forgotten service after the sale, you know, caring about their customers' outcomes, talking to people who just want to have a simple question. They don't want to read through 90 pages of fluff. 

Anyway, I get a little passionate if you didn't notice, just built into my system. 

Linda J. Hansen: Yeah. No, I do too. And it's great. And I love that you're getting an alternative to Venmo, Cash App, Zelle. These are great because, you know, pretty soon we'll be debanked from those as well. And I know people who have been. And so, having these alternatives in a patriot economy, you know, a patriot freedom economy is fantastic. So, I just think it's great what you're doing. And I love the fact that you're growing. 

And, you know, so, listeners, I mean, think about it. How many times do you use PayPal? What about Stripe? We've even known like the email marketing systems, even like Mailchimp and others have canceled conservative organizations.

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Oh, yeah.

Linda J. Hansen: There's been so many things. Think about the banks. You know, there's so many banks that have literally closed down accounts of conservatives or conservative Christians with no warning. They just say, “Oh, can't do business anymore.”

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Crisis emergency centers, too, shut them down.

Linda J. Hansen: Exactly. And so, it really is a tumultuous time in our nation's history, actually in the world history, and one of the ways we can fight against it is to engage in this alternate freedom patriot economy. 

And, you know, on this podcast, I think one of the comments I love most when I hear from people who listen often is they appreciate how I always give a positive action point. There is always something positive you can do as a listener, as an individual, to make a positive impact for our nation and for our world. 

And, you know, this is easy. This is easy. Ask your retailer if they've ever heard of Pro-Life Payments. Ask your accounting department at the business where you work. If you're a business owner, get in touch with Arturo. 

I mean, these are simple things that we can do. Just make one little change and it can help have ripple effects that not only save babies and help moms and dads, but helps to create a better culture of life in America, which, as we know, is not what is promoted in the media or the college campuses.

We want to promote life. Let people know that life matters. God has a purpose for every life. And, you know, there are no mistakes when it comes to the people God creates. And so, we want to help people understand that and feel blessed and honored when new life comes into their family.

And if they need, I should mention, you know, if they happen to need adoption services, I imagine you can help connect them to adoption services and things, too, because that's part of the pro-life message is helping people know, like, if they truly cannot take care of a child, they're not in a position to do that, there are waiting arms and people who will love that child. 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Amen.

Linda J. Hansen: Yeah.

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: My brother and sister-in-law are starting fostering and stuff right now, right? So, there are innumerable people out there that love children that are in a position where they can't, for reasons, you know, whether they're medical or frankly, maybe it's other things going on. But reality is people, you know, want to outstretch their hand. And there are so many options, all of which don't include ending a life. 

You know, God made us, you know, perfectly. He made us with his image and, you know, we never know what those individuals can accomplish and they can do when given that opportunity to flourish in life. And we'd love to, even if we can help in a small way, that's really what we'd love to be. 

Linda J. Hansen: Right. You know, I've often said only God can count the apples in a single seed. And we don't know, like, when those babies are born, we have no idea what's going to happen with their life. 

And we think of some of the people who have influenced history, the most who came from really hard situations, their mothers were in hard situations. Maybe their mothers had health problems or they were dirt poor, or they'd been abandoned by their husband or partner. And you know, but God has a plan and every life matters.

You know, and this really falls into the whole message I have with Prosperity 101®. That prosperity isn't about money. It is about human flourishing and freedom. And how do we protect that? 

That's what I try to bring forth into the conversation is learning one, to understand that it's not money; it's human flourishing and freedom. And we have that because we have this beautiful system of government here in America that has allowed us to not only enhance freedom but to help spread freedom around the world.

Well, of course, now this is being squashed. And so, we have to step up and protect it. And so, I want people to become informed, involved, and impactful, and that comes with learning about all these things. 

And so, one of the ways that my listeners can be impactful is by contacting you with Pro-Life Payments. So, do you have any ideas for business owners who might want to explain to their employees why being pro-life is so important? 

You know, business owners often want to share information with employees. And that's what I try to provide information for employers to share with employees about just basic public policy issues that affect their jobs. However, I don't really get into social issues in my course or curriculum, but I invite employers to take it one step further if these are things that they feel called to speak about. 

So, if someone is pro-life and would love to be able to help employees understand why they're choosing to support pro-life causes or why they're switching their payment processing center to Pro-Life Payments, how would you recommend that they speak about that in the workplace?

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Sure. So, actually, we've seen that done a few different ways. We've had some folks that outright kind of call it out. “Hey, you know, we're an organization that has,” you know, and by the way, not just Christians. 

There's been Christians, non-Christians, you know, Jews, Muslims, all kinds of different folks that believe in life, even secular folks that just kind of call it out. “Hey, you know, in this organization, we'd rather give to help in life, right? Than help in killing.” Right? And some people are pretty straightforward and bold. 

We've had some organizations that quite literally, because of the spaces they work in, the environments to render industries they're in, they frankly have their organizations basically burnt to the ground.

So, what do they do? We offer them a vanilla brand, just like most people don't know, Square and PayPal are actively investing into killing of babies. Well, in these instances, people don't have to know that they're actively investing in saving lives and helping mothers. 

So, we do offer specialized branding for organizations that are very concerned about the issues. A friend of mine owns some coffee shops in a very woke area and frankly had some issues because he walked in with a cross. He happens to be a Christian guy that owns the place and they were giving him, very seriously having problems with his employees because he was wearing a cross. 

Well, if he put Pro-Life Payments in there, they'd all but all quit or burn the place down, and I say that not necessarily in a joking way. Well, he believes in what he believes, and he's going to do what he wants to do. So, we did offer him another option. 

But you know, the reality is everybody understands the environment they're in. There are some organizations and industries that unfortunately are so burdened by the course of this world and so under pressure that even the mention of something like this could quite literally shut them down. And, you know, we do even offer you that option of a different vanilla brand, we'll call it right for that.

But for us, you know, we're going to stand boldly. We get all kinds of, I call them, love letters from people about what we're doing. You know, we welcome that. You know, we're happy to suffer for Christ and suffer for our beliefs sometimes. 

And we hear it from ministers, pastors, negative things you would never expect from organizations that were supposed to be Christian organizations. But we're okay with it. We're willing to eat that and with a smile on our face, and we hope that the Holy Spirit will work in them and change their course to really be in line with what they supposedly believe. 

Linda J. Hansen: Well, I think you brought up a really good point that for some people, they want to follow through on their beliefs, but the culture that they're in or the environment that they're in makes it hard right now.

And so, but you're giving them an option to make sure that they're doing what they feel called in their heart, but by this kind of vanilla labeling, as you said.

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Yeah.

Linda J. Hansen: It allows them to have the space needed to integrate it in and then hopefully in the future, as you know, all of us work to, as I always say, reclaim and preserve America. I want to unleash employers to reclaim and preserve America. 

As we do that and we start to turn back to more sensible policies in our government and sensible policies across our culture, I think that you know, hopefully, they'll be able to say, “Hey, look, this is one of the things I do. We have Pro-Life Payments here,” but I appreciate the fact that, you know, because there may be some people listening who think, yeah, I'd love to do that but, you know, my employees will quit or, you know, whatever.

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Yeah.

Linda J. Hansen: And so, it's great that you give people an option. So, we should close this out. Do you have anything else to say before we close? 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: No, we love y'all. And we're very thankful for you having us, and we enjoyed getting to hang out with you at the U.S. Christian Chamber of Commerce event, most of all. And we're very thankful to have an opportunity to be speaking with you. And thank you to the listeners. 

And, you know, for those who are interested, I just want to mention again because we really want to make sure you get, you know, the attribution and the credit for folks that come through this.

If you do come to the page, please let us know when you speak to one of us that it came from our dear friend, Linda, here at Prosperity 101® or check us out at please.

Linda J. Hansen: That's perfect. Well, thank you, Arturo. 

Arturo Del Rio, Jr.: Thank you. You have a blessed day. 

Linda J. Hansen: You, too.

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You can also receive the free ebook, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful.

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