May 6, 2024

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? – Understanding Our Mission – with Guest Testimonials – [Ep. 213]

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? – Understanding Our Mission – with Guest Testimonials – [Ep. 213]

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? Those are basic questions we ask when we want to learn about something. Have you ever wanted to learn about the mission and work of Prosperity 101®? What do we do besides the podcasts? Who started it? Why? When? How...

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? Those are basic questions we ask when we want to learn about something. Have you ever wanted to learn about the mission and work of Prosperity 101®? What do we do besides the podcasts? Who started it? Why? When? How are we working to impact others, especially in the workplace, as we seek to promote freedom and prosperity in America and around the world? In this episode, Linda and several previous podcast guests, clients, and colleagues share testimonies about Prosperity 101® and the impact it brings to our society. You will hear several personal stories from people who are familiar with the work of Prosperity 101® and have seen the transformation that occurs when our educational resources are utilized. You will recognize famous and familiar voices and will hear from lesser-known business leaders who are working tirelessly and effectively to bring truth, economic and civic awareness, and common sense to their workplaces and our nation. This episode is full of ideas and inspiration for all who desire to promote liberty in America so our nation may offer freedom and flourishing for all. Be inspired. Listen today!

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The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.



The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.

Linda J. Hansen: Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101® Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics online course.

The book, the course, and the entire podcast library can be found on I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. 

My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests, and be sure to visit 

Thank you so much for joining with me today. If you have ever wondered what Prosperity 101® is all about beyond the podcast, I invite you to listen to this entire episode in which I and others share about the resources and information provided by Prosperity 101® to empower individuals to become informed, involved, and impactful citizens.

My goal is to help unleash the power of employers and employees to reclaim and preserve America. We know that a stronger America makes for a stronger, more free world. I hope you'll enjoy the testimonies you'll hear, the stories of people using Prosperity 101® resources, and I hope you'll contact me so we can help you and your employees or colleagues to become informed, involved, and impactful.

And if you appreciate these podcasts and the work we do, I invite you to become a Prosperity Partner. Please visit the link on our website, the Prosperity Partner link, where you can show support by giving any amount to help keep these podcasts on the air. And we also invite you to support our strategic partners, Christian Employers Alliance, the U.S. Christian Chamber of Commerce, and Red Balloon. 

Please use code P101 when contacting those organizations and support the Freedom Patriot Economy. And now, enjoy the episode and please contact us at to let us know how we can serve you to help you unleash your power to reclaim and preserve America. Thank you. 

Welcome to a journey of empowerment and education, to a journey of reclaiming and preserving America, to a journey of human flourishing and freedom. Welcome to Prosperity 101®. 

Hi, I'm Linda J. Hansen, founder and president of Prosperity 101, LLC. I'm the creator and author of the Prosperity 101® resources and programs and host of the Prosperity 101® podcast.

All are designed to help you expand your leadership effectiveness, improve communication in the workplace, inform on policy issues that affect employment, and promote the values that made our nation strong and free. My goal is to help you create a legacy of prosperity for your family, your business, and our country.

Introducing the Breakroom Economics Course, your comprehensive tool for information on the important connection between policy, paychecks, and freedom, designed especially for use in the workplace. 

This course makes it easy for employers and leaders to make a meaningful impact. It offers valuable insights into what is needed to create a culture of economic prosperity and human flourishing, and freedom with a focus on economic realities, civic awareness, and responsibilities.

The program is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values that made our nation great. Join with me as I converse with experts, leaders, and visionaries, sharing their stories of success, challenge, and faith.

Andrew Crapuchettes: Hey, this is Andrew Crapuchettes from I wanted to give a quick shout-out to Linda Hansen and the work that she's doing at Prosperity 101®. Not only is it a great podcast, but the materials that she provides for employers to give to the employees are actually critical for the success of that employer and critical for the success of our nation.

If employees understand the founding of America, why the Constitution matters, and how it applies to their lives, not only are they going to be better employees who make the business more profitable, they're actually going to be better citizens. And so, I'm a big fan of Linda and the work that she's doing at Prosperity 101®. I encourage you to check it out. This is Andrew from Have a great day. 

Krystal Parker: Are you an employer that cares about the future of our nation? Do you care about the policies that impact your employees? Do you care about the communities that you serve in, and your role as a business in those communities?

Well, if you answered yes to any of those questions, you're going to want to listen to what I have to say. I'm Krystal Parker, President of the U.S. Christian Chamber of Commerce, and it seems that there is this huge divide between our employees and their knowledge about laws and policies that impact their paycheck.

And so what's happening is, where do these individuals and employees get the education? Oftentimes, it's through the news or other channels. But what about a nonpartisan approach as a business owner, taking responsibility of educating your workforce? 

Well, Linda Hansen with Prosperity 101® has the answer of helping employees understand how policy impacts their paychecks and giving them the right tools and education so that we have a workforce mobilized to make a difference in our nation, that's pro-business, pro-employee, and pro-Christian foundation.

Check out Prosperity 101® with Linda Hansen. She's a political strategist and a member of the U.S. Christian Chamber of Commerce. 

Rick Crump: Hi, I'm Rick Crump, Founder and Executive Director of Kinetic Faith. I'm excited to talk about Prosperity 101®. You know, in a time when we live where the understanding and the education of free market value is at an all-time low, our policymakers are exploiting this and trying to push socialist agendas down our throat.

What I like about Prosperity 101® is that they bring the professional insights and the training that's waking up younger generations today that may not know about these things and really helping them understand the implications of their voting decisions. So, check out Prosperity 101®. I think you'll like what you see.

Kevin Fobbs: Hi, I'm Kevin Fobbs, President of Choices4Life and Chairman of the American Christian Civil Rights Movement. To me, Linda Hansen is an American prosperity visionary, who has worked tirelessly to provide nationally known thought leaders, policy experts, and yes, countless business owners with the essential tools and advice necessary for economic growth and job creation for our nation's future.

Employers are at the epicenter of economic empowerment because millions of their workers can be lifted with the essential information and policies that directly impact their jobs, livelihood and families. Linda Hansen’s unique  Breakroom Economics Program provides those valuable tools. 

Every mom and dad, college student, pipefitter, office and factory worker, truck driver and yes, co-workers all looking for the America dream. Linda Hansen’s Breakroom Economics Program is the road map on economic future where prosperity needs to be empowered by it.

Tim Peterson: Hi, my name is Tim Peterson and I'm a project manager with Mighty Dog Roofing and a longtime board member of the Wisconsin Forum.

What I love most about Prosperity 101® are the podcast interviews with business leaders explaining how capitalism helps both entrepreneurs and consumers to increase their standard of living. I also like the tips and other resources Prosperity 101® offers employees to understand how public policy really affects their paycheck.

In short, Prosperity 101® tells you the truth about what makes America great, so we can all communicate the good news to our colleagues. I'm Tim Peterson, and I proudly support Prosperity 101® and recommend them, too. 

E.J. Antoni: I'm E.J. Antoni. I'm a public finance economist with the Heritage Foundation, and I'm also a senior fellow with the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

I've joined Prosperity 101® numerous times in the past because it has been a great way to get the word out on economic issues and to explain the truth to employers and employees alike about how various kinds of public policy can have a tremendous impact on our daily lives, oftentimes in ways that we never imagined possible.

Christina Werner: The resources on Prosperity 101® are so important to a growing movement of employers educating employees about issues that affect their jobs and their family. This is personally important to me. 

My name is Christina Werner, VP of Partnerships at PublicSquare. It's a very pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom network of businesses and consumers.

We need our businesses educated and equipped to succeed. This is how we change the country. So, thank you so much, Linda, and Prosperity 101® for being on PublicSquare. We value you so much. 

Nathan Naidu: Hi, my name’s Nathan Naidu, and I'm a self-employed political consultant. I've worked on many campaigns, from presidential down to state rep, and I've seen Prosperity 101® used along those campaigns at stops along the way.

And I think about a particularly memorable instance where I was working for the Herman Cain campaign, and we spoke to a group of employees in Ohio. These employees had already been prepped with Prosperity 101®, and I felt like they were more engaged because they knew what to listen for, what to look for, and why being aware of the issues that are on the ballot is important to those people. 

So without Prosperity 101®, I don't know that they would have been as engaged as they were in that one instance and in the other instances where I've seen it successful. 

Brett Galaszewski: Hi, everyone. My name is Brett Galaszewski. I'm the National Field Enterprise Director for Turning Point Action, and I'm so excited to talk about the work that Linda Hansen and Prosperity 101® are doing, not only in Wisconsin but nationwide.

I travel all over the country and I can tell you with 100% certainty that there is no person in the movement that's doing the grassroots work to integrate the workplace and politics in the way that Linda Hansen has done.

As someone who really values the idea of relational organizing, I really appreciate the work that Prosperity 101® has done to educate the workplace on economic and political issues that they face, open up the conversation, and provide action items to not only join the fight but lead it. 

I commend the work that Linda and Prosperity 101® are doing in a much-needed arena and I highly recommend anybody to get involved with what Prosperity 101® is doing to change the game.

Tom Pyle: My name is Tom Pyle and I'm the President of the American Energy Alliance. At the Alliance, we educate and mobilize citizens in understanding and promoting the policies that support affordable and reliable energy for American workers and families. I've known Linda Hansen for many, many years, and I'm a frequent guest on the Prosperity 101® podcast. 

What Linda does at Prosperity 101® is so important because the program equips business leaders who care about prosperity and freedom with the tools to help their employees learn about the public policy issues that affect their jobs and families, their workplace, and the country. 

As someone who works full-time to shape public policy, I know I wouldn't be as successful without Linda and Prosperity 101®. If you're a business leader who cares about prosperity and freedom, check out the resources at today. And thank you so much, Linda, for everything you do. 

Andrew Crapuchettes: Hey, this is Andrew Crapuchettes from I wanted to give a shout-out to Linda and the work that she's doing at Prosperity 101®.

Look, if companies have employees that understand what the Constitution's about, why our nation was founded this way, those employees are going to be in a position where they're going to work harder, they're going to think clearly about the world, and you're going to find that that business is more positively productive in society and profitable. I'm Andrew from, I'm a big fan of Prosperity 101®. 

Eric: Hey, there, this is Eric Michael Anton in New York City. I'm with a company called Marcus & Millichap. I'm a Senior Managing Director and I run our Global Capital Group. I just wanted to say to everyone out there that Prosperity 101®, I think is fantastic, incredibly important work that Ms. Hansen is doing, and I am a big supporter. 

I was interviewed by her, I think a year ago, and it's terrific. I manage a team of 12, mostly young people. And I will say a good part of my day is spent teaching, educating, and giving them information that they didn't get in school. And I'm talking about history, economics, civics, logic, religion, et cetera. I feel like our schools have really let down this generation. They don't demand anything. And I will tell you that dates matter. So, keep up the good work, Linda. 

Raynard Jackson: All of my beautiful friends, I need you to go to I need you to check out my buddy, Linda Hansen, who has a program that helps everyday people understand how public policy impacts your everyday paycheck.

She has an online course called Breakroom Economic. You need to sign up. Not only you, but if you work for someone, need to get your boss to sign up for it to watch, because in this course, Linda's going to teach you how you can take home more money. You need to understand how public policy impacts the monthly paycheck you get.

And by taking this online course, guess what? You may end up taking more money home. And why is that important? Because your husband or wife or your child may be able to go out to a restaurant one more time during the month. So, check out Linda's course at 

David Mitchell: Hello. My name is David Mitchell and I am the owner of Metal Masters of Wisconsin, located in the greater Milwaukee area. I'm here today to talk to you about Prosperity 101®. 

Prosperity 101® is a program developed by Linda Hansen to help employers engage on a very deep level with their employees about the political process and the importance of understanding how politics affects them, their communities, and their personal finances.

If you're an employer who truly cares about your employees and truly cares about the future of our nation, I highly recommend Prosperity 101® to help you engage, empower, and inform your employees. 

Matthew Dark: It's Matthew Dark, owner of Roots Medical in Denver, Colorado, and host of The Matthew Dark Show. I want to talk to you about the importance and the value of Prosperity 101® in the workplace.

Our company converted to a Christian-led, Christ-led business after COVID, in the midst of COVID. We found ourselves thinking, is this it? Do we go out of business at this time, or do we lean on our faith and get through? 

Now, the rest is history. We made it through. But what happened with that conversion is it changed everything about our company, changed how we dealt with employees, how we hired, how we communicated with patients.

We reached a new level of service, a new level of gratitude for those paying our bills, the customers coming in and out. Our lens had changed. Our perception had changed. 

Why? We're being Christ-led in our business, not just in our homes. It was the greatest breakthrough that we could have ever had. And now it lets us actually go make impact in the community.

So, when our team is meeting about policy, not only internally, but things going around in the community, we can have that conversation. It's important we have that conversation because what's good for the employee is good for me. What's good for me has to be good for the employee. 

And if we're all on the same page with transparent information about stuff that is actively either attacking our business or blessing our business, we have to be aware of it, pouring into it or resisting against stuff that really is aimed to hurt us. 

So, I just implore you to go to the next step. Reach out to Linda Hansen, Founder, CEO, Author of I thank you. God bless you. 

Mark Whitaker: Hello, I'm Mark Whitaker, Vice-President of Culture and Care at Coca-Cola Consolidated. I don't know if you've ever heard of Prosperity 101®, but I highly recommend that you get acquainted to it.

I think it's something that every citizen of America needs to be involved with and engaged with. And it's nonpartisan, by the way. It doesn't favor either party, but helps equip every citizen in America to know what we need to do to keep our freedoms. 

So, I highly recommend it. Linda J. Hansen is the one that actually founded it and developed it, and created it. And I hope you take a look at it and get to know about Prosperity 101®. 

Linda J. Hansen: I'm truly grateful for all the people who have taken time to record their thoughts and their experiences with Prosperity 101®. They are all leaders in their own realms and they are all freedom-loving patriots. I'm so grateful for their friendship, for their support, for their words of testimony, and I'm grateful for you, the listener.

Thank you for taking time to listen to this episode. I hope you will contact us at Thank you.

Thank you again for listening to the Prosperity 101® podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave a great review. Don't forget to visit to access the entire podcast library, to order my newest book, Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, or to enroll you or your employees in the Breakroom Economics online course.

You can also receive the free ebook, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful.

Please contact us today at to let us know how we can serve you. Thank you.