April 19, 2024

Unite To Promote Policies of Freedom – with Raynard Jackson – [Ep. 211]

Unite To Promote Policies of Freedom – with Raynard Jackson – [Ep. 211]

United we stand, divided we fall. This is true in families, corporations, and countries. When it comes to winning the current culture war, we must unite around foundational principles that made our nation great. We must not let enemies of freedom...

United we stand, divided we fall. This is true in families, corporations, and countries. When it comes to winning the current culture war, we must unite around foundational principles that made our nation great. We must not let enemies of freedom divide us, break down our resistance, or weaken our energy to stand firm. America is not as divided as many in media and power would like us to believe, and we must unite to promote policies of freedom and dispel exaggerated accounts of division. Linda’s guest in this episode is Raynard Jackson, Founder and Chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future, an organization created to promote and encourage black entrepreneur engagement in politics and government. They discuss the divisive rhetoric in our culture and offer positive action points for every citizen. The policies of freedom bring unity, not division.  Let’s unite to promote them so all can be free.

© Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101®, LLC  

The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.

Linda J. Hansen:  Welcome. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101 Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101- Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics Online course, the book, the course and the entire podcast library can be found on Prosperity101.Com. I seek to connect boardroom to break room and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests and be sure to visit Prosperity 101.com

Thank you so much for joining with us today. It's always a pleasure to have return guests and today I have someone that you will want to hear to from again. Before I do that though, I want to remind you that you can go to our website and share your support by becoming a prosperity partner. If you enjoy these podcasts, please do go to the Prosperity partner link on our website and provide financial support of any amount to help us keep these podcasts on the air. We really do appreciate your involvement, your support and so thank you to all prosperity partners. In addition, you can support this podcast by joining with our strategic partners. We have us Christian Chamber of Commerce, Red Balloon and Christian Employers alliance. So if you go to our website or to those websites and use code P 101 to join the US Christian Chamber of Commerce, Red Balloon or Christian Employers alliance, you can receive a discount code. Use the code P 101 and join those fine organizations. Be part of the freedom economy. Help to make a better place by joining with our strategic partners.

And now on to the interview. As I mentioned, I have someone who is a repeat guest and he's always a lot of fun to interview. So not only get yourselves ready for some serious conversation, conversation about what's actually happening in America, but get yourself ready for a couple laughs as well because he's just a lot of fun and helps to really put things in perspective. My guest today is Reynard Jackson. Reynard is the founder and chairman of Black Americans for a better future. He is focused on helping black entrepreneurs be more involved in the political process and to helping expand the conservative message. The America first message is so important for all people in America. And in a time when we have this racial conversation happening all the time in media, everything is about race because people want to divide us. That's how to destroy a culture, divide people. And I would say that America isn't as racist as the mainstream media would like us to think. And as we look through history, we can see times and cultures where this type of division tactics was used to really destroy countries and cultures. So we are in opposition to that, and we are about unity and growth and prosperity. And with that, I welcome Raynard Jackson, founder and chairman of Black Americans for a better future. Thank you, Raynard, for coming back.

Raynard Jackson:

Linda, always good to see your beautiful voice and hear your smile.

Linda J. Hansen:


As I told you, listeners, you'll have a chuckle. So. So, Reynard, tell us what you're doing right now with black Americans for a better future. You've been on before, so give the listeners a bit of an update.

Raynard Jackson:

Well, yeah, since we last talked, Linda, as you know, we're in the middle of this presidential campaign, and it's getting hot and heavy right now. And as you and your audience probably know, that polling data is showing that the Democrats and Biden specifically are hemorrhaging black support. They're down, I think, 63%. Normally, Democrats get north of 9% during the presidential year. And so they're the great opening for President Trump and the Republicans to really get north of 25, 30% of the black vote, as long as they start engaging with the black business community. And they need to get away from what I call this ghetto approach of engaging with the black community. Why is it, Linda, that when conservatives want to engage with the black community, their default position is going to the hood or the inner city? They are the least likeliest group to vote, versus the black businessman, who's the most likely group to vote. So we need the Republicans and Trump to start spending time with the black business community. So I'm working with them, organizing the black business community so we can have a series of substantive engagements with not only President Trump, but his key economic team as well. And if we do that, Linda, north of 25% of the black vote come November, no question about it.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well, that would be very exciting. And as we've talked before on the podcast, Prosperity 101 itself is nonpartisan. So in the break room economics course or in the book that I have that employers can share with employees, I want employees to know about the policies that make for prosperity, and I want employers to have tools that they can share with employees without being partisan and just help to educate people. Now, when we do that, we see what policies actually bring human flourishing and freedom. And you're talking about these very stark differences between the two presidential candidates. We have right now, the incumbent Joe Biden, and we have Donald Trump. And the Trump policies when he was in office were absolutely phenomenal for all minorities, for families everywhere. Everyone's ship rose, shall we say? Everyone benefited. And home ownership was up, joblessness was down, income was up. People felt safe in their homes. I mean, it was a beautiful time. We had no foreign conflicts. I mean, these are the result of policies. So as I often say, you have to choose by policy, but with the policy, you have to see which person and possibly which party will support the policies you believe in. So even though we're promoting or talking about Donald Trump and these political rallies and things that he's doing and how we're going to get people to understand how important it is to vote for him, you know, behind that is something so much more important than the personality or the party, and that is the policy. And that's where we really need to focus and get people to understand whether they're black, white, or any race, any demographic, anybody. They need to understand the policies that affect their daily life and freedom.

Raynard Jackson:

Yeah, I think where far we slightly disagree, Linda, is I think what Biden and the White House, I think everything is up. Inflation is up, gas prices is up, immigration is up, crime is up. So things are looking up under Biden. That's why we need to look at policies that are going to go the other direction. Let's make everything go down. Let's go. And so I'm telling my folks in the black business community, we want things to go down, so they need to get down with Trump so he can get things back up the right way, literally the right way. And when you were talking about this issue of racism, the difference, Linda, liberals see racism on every corner. Republicans see racism nowhere. And the answer is in the middle. It's not as bad as liberals say, and it's not as good as conservatives want to say. And remember to your audience, Linda, you can't have unity without you and I.

Linda J. Hansen:

True, true. We have to work together for this. And, you know, I believe, as I mentioned before, that the media just fuels this and really wants to divide. And we see it not just with race, but we see the breakup of the family, you know, dividing the family, dividing children and parents, whether it is, you know, in education or whether it's with some of the issues like the trans issues or others, but dividing children and parents, taking away parents rights. So many things are about dividing people. And, you know, united we stand, divided we fall. And you mentioned unity. You need you. You need me, you know, and we have to work together. And our nation has been strong because we have been a nation that has united and remained focused on freedom and flourishing. And when we do that, our nation is strong. But not only our nation, then we have the ability to truly help other nations. And by helping other nations, I don't mean funneling money to endless wars at the risk of taking care of our own needs. Here in America, we have to be very strategic about what types of engagements we are in militarily and economically worldwide. But when America is strong, it makes for a stronger world.

Raynard Jackson:

Yeah, but Linda, you've been around a long time, and I challenge you and your audience. Show me where Biden or even these pro war Republicans who claim to be conservative. I have yet to have anyone lay out a rationale in a speech as you. What is the geopolitical necessity for us supporting Ukraine? That is a european issue. If France, the UK, Germany, that's in their backyard now, we can be helpful on the perimeter, but we're front and center right now, and nobody. It's amazing. You hear people making the argument that this is about freedom and democracy. The last time I checked, Ukraine has always been listed as one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, did he cancel elections earlier? Last. Late last year. So if it's democracy at stake, how do you support someone who canceled presidential elections and someone who has one of the most corrupt governments known to mankind? So if you could make a layout argument for why the US should be involved and what's their national security concern with the US, and why are they important to us? I'm willing to listen to that argument. But, Linda, I'm just seeing people willing to just throw money without any accountability. And I have a problem with that.

Linda J. Hansen:

Absolutely. I agree with you 100%. I don't think that we need to be there. And I think that the american taxpayers, if they actually knew, they would be revolting against this. Besides that, we're not defending our own border right now with this administration. We are not defending our own border. The crime, the drugs, the human trafficking that's flooding into our own border, not to mention the terrorists that are coming in, the criminals that are coming in, and they are being bused or flown or driven to cities all across America. They're being put up in hotels, given gift cards, they're given phones, they're food, everything is taken care of at the taxpayer expense. That means listener. That means you. When you hear the word government, when you hear the word government paying for something, that means you. You are paying for it. You are working hard every day, going to your job, building your business, or working for an employer, and you're paying your taxes, and you are paying for all those people to have rights that you don't even have. And so for people who might think that we're making this up, we invite you to just dig a little deeper, keep looking, because the truth is out there. And don't believe what you hear in mainstream media. This is a horrible, horrible season in american history right now for people all across the nation. And I fear for our next generation. I mean, we are racking up 1 trillion in debt every 100 days. I mean, it takes. I think I remember Steve Moore used to say, I think it was one of the famous basketball players who made, like, several million dollars a year, would have to play 25,000 seasons to make a trillion dollars. And it's just crazy to think about how we're racking up this money and there's no accountability, as you mentioned, no accountability. And now I look and say, who is paying off who? And that it seems that the people who tell the truth end up being punished for telling the truth, some very severely. And we just have to make sure we have a society where truth is what can be told, and we must do it bravely and unite with those who do so, because we're living in a world of lies right now, and the media is full of lies, and our tax dollars are being thrown down the drain, affecting every single family, every single business, every single community. So what would you say to business owners who need to help their employees understand about all these issues? You're talking to entrepreneurs all the time. So the business leaders, the entrepreneurs, the men and women who really help to pay the bills in America are the business leaders. So what would you tell them about helping employees to understand so they can be educated voters when they go to the voting booth?

Raynard Jackson:

I think the number one issue in any democracy, Linda, is an educated voter is the most dangerous person in a democracy. And the establishment, the uniparty Democrats and Republicans, they count on the american electorate not being informed on a lot of these policy discussions you and I are talking about. But through forums like the war room that you and I both listened to regularly, the more informed our voters are, the more people are going to vote conservative. That's just the reality. When they understand what the issues are and how we as a nation, are being sold basically into slavery to China by businessmen, all in the pursuit of profit. Why do you think you got the Democrats and Republicans supporting open borders? How in the heck can you say you're a conservative and you are supporting and advocating open borders? We have over 40 million illegals in this country. And even if 1%, Linda, are terrorists or criminal, want to be terrorists, our country is in trouble. And I guarantee you, Linda, you heard it from me, that between now and the election, I'm expecting no fewer than two to three terrorist attacks before the election. And it's all foreseeable, predictable, and preventable. If we get our border under control, if you're in the country illegally, you gotta go. I don't want to care about you being a valedictorian for Harvard and all this kind of stuff. You came in illegally. You gotta go. And so democracy, Linda, is a participatory sport. You have to be engaged. You can't say, well, I don't like the policy, but I'm not registered to vote. Well, if you're not registered to vote, and don't tell me. Well, my one vote doesn't count. Well, I can point to many elections where one or two votes was the margin of victory.

Linda J. Hansen:

Absolutely. And if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, and we all need to be part of the solution. You know, we have a brief time on earth. Our lives are short. What will we do with the time that we have? Will we work to promote truth and freedom and provide for a better tomorrow for those who go after us? Our children, our grandchildren, the next generations? We have an opportunity. And right now, our country is in trouble. And it has been sliding downhill for a long time. But we're really at a tipping point. If we do not take it back now and make sure that our elected officials can be people of integrity, that they adhere to the Constitution, that we keep our system of government? We won't have America like we know, and people are so complacent that it's like, well, that'll never happen in America. It is happening in America. It is happening in America.

Talk to innocent people who are sitting in jail for speaking out or posting something on a social media meme. You know, this is insane. It's literally happening. And I hear people say, well, I don't have time for politics. I need to let that be for the politicians. Well, that's kind of what got us into this mess, is because America was designed to be run by we, the people. It was not designed to be an oligarchy or a dictatorship or anything, which it has sort of become. And so we need to change that. And for those who think that Donald Trump wants to be a dictator or whatever, you hear that in the news a lot. I mean, it makes me crazy to hear that because I know how much he really cares about the Constitution and wants to adhere to the constitution and make sure that constitutional principles are adhered to in the court systems around the land, which they are not in so many places. So, you know, all of it gets into policy. It gets into what you said. Having well educated voters, the low information voter, is really what has led to this downfall. You mentioned before, all the things that are up, right, this up fall, as you mentioned, of inflation, of crime, of drug trafficking, of human trafficking, of all these problems we have in America and that we are dealing with around the world are because of poor policy and poor leadership. And so it's up to us. I mean, we don't, we don't get another ride through life. So we have so many days here on earth where we can make a difference. And not every country allows people to go vote.

We still have that opportunity, and we need to make sure that our votes are counted transparently, fairly, honestly. Election integrity is important, and that's another issue that we have in America. And I've often said, if people want to argue with me about whether or not a 2020 election was stolen or if there's been election fraud in other elections, I'd say, give me five minutes and I'll give you 100 things off the top of my head. You know, we can go from state to state to state where we know without a doubt that things have been proven, that there was election fraud. So, you know, it's up to us. So, listeners, one, you need to make sure you're understanding these policies. Whether you're listening to my podcast all the time, getting the break room economics course for your organization, whether it's your business or maybe another organization, please use it to educate people. But also follow Reynard. Make sure you follow what he's saying. You know, that's a different perspective. I'm sure he's going to have a different perspective than you might. And it's really good to learn from these people who, who really have a broad experience and understand policy at a deep level. Don't believe what the mainstream media is feeding you, please, because it is meant to divide. And as we look at what the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization, all the globalists, the elites, the Klaus Schwab's, you know, the bill gates of the world. They want control. They want population control, they want land control, food supply control. And, and that is what is happening. We need to stand up. We need to stand up and say, no, this is our country. We're going to take care of it. We're going to defend it, and we're going to teach others how to do the same.

Raynard Jackson:

Wow. You on fire today, Linda.

Linda J. Hansen:


Raynard Jackson:


What did you have for breakfast? Give me some of it.

Linda J. Hansen:

Yeah. Well, it is just a passion. I just feel people there. It's easy to get complacent. Yeah, I see it. You know, people are busy. Parents are busy. They've got kids in sports. They've got kids going to the orthodontist. They've got to do two and three jobs, sometimes more, to just make ends meet in this horribly expensive season. We're in, in America, you know, so many people can't afford a home. They can't afford their rent. We see illegals being given so much more assistance than our vet, than our veterans, and then are disabled. And, you know, there's so much we can do. So I tell people, don't, don't worry about trying to do everything. You know, we can't fix it all. It's overwhelming when we look at it. But we can all pick one thing. And if everybody would do one thing, then all the one things would add up to a lot of things and we could take this country back.

Raynard Jackson:

There's no question. No question, when we start getting gay. And that's the beauty of MAGA, make America great again. Yeah, the media calls us racist. Fold. Fold. But we're fearful of fear. And Roosevelt said we have nothing to fear but fear itself. But yet by us having the ability. Now, Linda, through your podcast and others, you can go straight to the American people and tell them what your message is. And that's what the liberal media is terrified of, the Biden campaign and the White House, terrified that we don't have to go through the mainstream media and listen to their partisan, slanted view on everything. We can go directly to sources. We can go hear what the president Biden said in his speech. We can pull up Trump to see in his own words that he said, I'm going to be a dictator on day one, just for one day being humorous, just like yesterday, Linda, how in the world. I thought it was magnificent with Trump came out with the video about the eclipse and them eclipsing the sun. I died. Left the media to, oh, he thinks he's God. And he's bigger than this. Like, really? Really? I thought it was funny as hell.

Linda J. Hansen:


Raynard Jackson:

Only Trump could think of something like that, right?

Linda J. Hansen:

And, you know, it is funny. And if people only knew him the way people who work with him all the time know him, you know, he's a good man. And, you know, he didn't have to do this.

Raynard Jackson:


Linda J. Hansen:


He could have gone back to Mar a Lago, played golf, lived in his mansion and been an ex-president, opened up a museum. You know, I mean, he could have had the easy life. He didn't have to put up with his warfare and his family, you know, being in the spotlight all the time and all these attacks. He didn't have to do it. Would. I mean, I would ask listeners, would you do that? Would you be willing to do that for your nation? You know, we're so unwilling to go outside of our comfort zone. And outside of our comfort zone is the loss of freedom, and we are losing it every single day. So we need to step into the zone of bravery and courage and patriotism and say, no, not on our watch. We're not going to let this happen on our watch. And, listeners, just one more thing before we close. But, you know, we talk about these policies of division and what the media is doing to divide people.

And Rayner talked about, you know, how the mainstream media controls messaging and things like that. This isn't just in America right now. This is. I mean, just take a look at Brazil. If you look at the election with Bolsonaro and Lulu, I mean, you can just watch the very same playbook is used. And this is how communism comes. And Marxism, you know, it's just how they divide and destroy and take down countries. So we cannot let it happen. We cannot let it happen. And they'll never be a perfect candidate. Never. Not even if you run yourself. So. But just remember, it's not the party, it's not the personality. Although you eventually have to choose both of them. You have to choose a person and you have to choose a party. Right, but choose because of the policies and pick the policies of freedom, please. So, Rainer, did you have any other closing comments before we give people information on how to contact you?

Raynard Jackson:

Well, yeah. Well, I don't know what other folks going to do, but I'm going to support Linda. You all need to go to prosperity 10 one.com and sign up for our online course. And not only you go through it, but, hey, get your employer to get a copy. Make that part of the HR policy that they can use online. So I appreciate you having me on. Linda. Always good to see you.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well, it's always good to see you too. And as you said at the beginning, I can hear your face and see your voice. So it's great. So listeners, I invite you to follow Reynard you it's Reynard Jackson and go to the website Black Americans for a better future. And the website is baf bf.org dot. That's bafbf.org dot. So black Americans for a better future. You can learn what he's doing to help entrepreneurs all around the nation and really bringing a call to clarity and unity. And so, Reynard, just thank you so much. It's a pleasure to have you on again.

Raynard Jackson:

Thank you. Don't be a strain to have you on again sometime as we get closer to the election.

Linda J. Hansen:

I will. Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing you in person again soon and thank you for being a supporter here with Prosperity 101 and being part of the podcast.

Raynard Jackson:

You're welcome.


Linda J. Hansen: Thank you again for listening to the Prosperity 101 Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave a great review. Don't forget to visit Prosperity101.com to access the entire podcast library to order my newest book, Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck or to enroll you or your employees in the Breakroom Economics online course. You can also receive the free e-book, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful. Please contact us today at Prosperity101.com to let us know how we can serve you. Thank you.