Feb. 9, 2023

Truth + Education + Empowerment = Global Impact – with Dr. Patricia Bailey – [Ep. 155]

Truth + Education + Empowerment = Global Impact – with Dr. Patricia Bailey – [Ep. 155]

This is the second part of a two-part interview Linda conducted with speaker, author, and global leader, Dr. Patricia Bailey, to discuss business, public policy, and leadership principles that help to create strong nations. Learn how a focus on truth...

This is the second part of a two-part interview Linda conducted with speaker, author, and global leader, Dr. Patricia Bailey, to discuss business, public policy, and leadership principles that help to create strong nations. Learn how a focus on truth and education provides empowerment to have impact in the USA and globally. Education at home, in schools, in the workplace, and in countries will only be fruitful if based on truth. Start your national and global impact by listening today!

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Linda J. Hansen:

Welcome, thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Prosperity 101® Breakroom Economics Podcast. My name is Linda J. Hansen, your host and the author of Prosperity 101®-Job Security through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, and the creator of the Breakroom Economics Online course. The book, the course, and the entire podcast library can be found on Prosperity101.com. I seek to connect boardroom to breakroom and policy to paycheck by empowering and encouraging employers to educate employees about the public policy issues that affect their jobs. My goal is to help people understand the foundations of prosperity, the policies of prosperity, and how to protect their prosperity by becoming informed, involved, and impactful. I believe this will lead to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and retention, and to an increased awareness of the blessings and responsibilities of living in a free society. Listen each week to hear from exciting guests and be sure to visit Prosperity101.com.

Thank you for joining with me today. As I said in the last episode, I believe, and history has shown that the economic and spiritual health of America impacts the world. We have a system of government that allows for human flourishing, wealth creation, philanthropy, and freedom. My goal is to help preserve that freedom so we may in turn share not only our wealth, but our principles for freedom and prosperity. And as a Christian, I believe true freedom begins with the relationship with Jesus Christ. And from that, our lives may flourish and grow to share with others and have impact for eternity. I spoke in previous episodes and in our last episode on the connection between US policies, economic conditions, and global evangelism and philanthropy.

In the last episode with Dr. Patricia Bailey, we talked about how we cannot pour from an empty cup as individuals or in nations. We must be strong and prosperous in order to share abundantly with others and to help them. Dr. Bailey is a lecturer, author, ambassador, and founder of Master's Touch Ministries. Her ministry has produced a tremendous impact for more than 40 years in 147 countries. She has served as a consultant to the United Nations, heads of states, diplomats and governmental dignitaries. She's been featured in international media and is widely respected as a global missions consultant. Her heart is to equip leaders through her global leadership training center and Y.U.G.O. Young Adults United for Global Leadership. She is also the founder of SEW, Sisters Empowering the World, which equips women and children in developing nations by providing clean water, healthcare, education, and economic empowerment. She is also the founder of EVI, the Economic Vocational Institute in Haiti, equipping young leaders to become the economic solution to their country.

This is part two of my conversation with Dr. Bailey and I asked her to come back for a second episode because in the first episode we really talked about foundations for freedom and prosperity and what business leaders and individuals can do to not only help in their businesses but in our nation. And today I want her to talk a little bit more about leadership because anytime we want to impact culture, a society, our families, our businesses, anytime we want to make impact, we have to think about our leadership. And people don't realize we're all leaders, we're all leaders. We all have an area of influence. It's up to us to decide what type of leader we'll be. So I really wanted to bring Dr. Bailey back to talk about her leadership institutes and what she's doing and how people can be involved to bring about leadership, growth, change, and a true economic and spiritual revival across the globe. So thank you Dr. Bailey. So welcome Dr. Patricia Bailey.

Dr. Patricia Bailey:

Thank you so much for having me back. I'm so excited and I'm trusting that as this goes out, as the podcast goes out, those that are listening will share it with others as well so that we can get the word out and begin to circulate some very good and positive narratives as well as some solutions. Because it's one thing to talk about some of the challenges and crisis, but it's another thing to come together and formulate different solutions so that we can make a difference in the world.

Linda J. Hansen:

Absolutely. Well, your heart is to develop leaders, to help human flourishing, to share the gospel, to really help people across the globe from young people, babies on up to elderly people all the way through their life. And so could you tell us about your Global Leadership Training Center?

Dr. Patricia Bailey:

So Global Leadership Training Center was developed after years of me serving on the field and seeing throughout the 100 and something countries at that time, some of the similar global crisis in different countries. Literally when you looked at it, they actually were the same crisis. I saw that the problem wasn't a resource problem in the sense of a lack of resource. There's no such thing. It's not even a lack of human resources or minerals or money, the challenge was a leadership challenge because many times dollars are put into the hands of leaders that are not walking in integrity. So then now you have corruption. So the people are suffering when there's money that has been allocated to some of the different emerging countries for roads, infrastructure development, clean water, education, health or whatever.

And I was like, "We really do need to have a Global Leadership Training Institute." And take all the building blocks of the challenges the crisis, begin to teach integrity and leadership, stewardship, honor, and then even some solutions to things like we talked about, alternative power and things like deforestation, toxic waste management, public health, clean water, so many different things.

And to raise up global leaders that understand that they're servants, servant leadership, so that when they're put in that position, you're not put in that position when you're in a place where millions and billions of dollars will passed through your hands as a leader. But to help them to understand on a foundational level that the resources of the land are for the people of the land, Ecclesiastes 5:8 and that to be a minister of government, a minister of health, a minister of finance, that word means to be a servant, that you are a public servant to the people and to lay strong... So the school was built on these four pillars of learning and of discipline and that is accelerated learning, apostolic impartation where you're getting imparted [inaudible 00:07:38] some things are taught and some things are caught, then required reading or now will be required videos and then practical applications.

So you get the information, it's an accelerated version. Some of it is taught, some of it's imparted, but then it's wrapped up with you being able to put your hands to the plow and practically apply the things you've learned. So for an example, in our sustainable communities that we do, our eco villages, students that have gone to the school or people period, those that are listening can come on short-term mission trips with and where there's no water, we teach how to do boreholes, where there's no power. We teach how to do solar. Where there's a lack of food security we do the community gardens, where there's no sewage we do the septic tanks. Where there's no adequate housing, we build houses. Where there's no education, we develop and show them how to develop their own schools and the community gardens and the solar so that they are a sustainable community and bringing development that way as a type of a sustainable goal for the people.

And many of those building blocks they've learned through the school as we have instructors. If it's an environmental science area, we have a person that's a specialist in that particular area. So you're sitting at the feet and not having to go through these many different areas and categories of discipline to get one on the package of learning how to disciple nations and be a global leader. So we brought those, and it's in this a combined over 100, over a couple of 100 years of knowledge because of the instructors that come together, we've come together to teach. And so it's just been... God put it in my heart, we've graduated students in over 100 countries and it's just been amazing to see the students graduate and go back and apply those principles that they've learned in the school, be it public health, water, literacy, which is a huge area.

We have a program where you can learn to... We can teach how to become literate in 99 lessons. And so it's been amazing. And then now those students go back and they develop Global Leadership Training Centers in those other parts of the world where they live and go serve their community and their people and their nation ultimately.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well, that is so beautiful and it just reminds me of why I do what I do as well because I've told people you never know who you're educating. You never know. And whether it's someone educating people, attending your leadership summit or whether it's employers educating employees in the workplace with some of my materials or just talking to them about basic policies and the things going on in the country, you never know who you're educating. One of our greatest freedom fighting presidents, Ronald Reagan actually changed his worldview after being part of an employee education program at General Electric. At the time, General Electric wanted to help their employees understand free enterprise principles and why our system of government was imperative to helping their company be successful, their families be successful. And they had a book club basically. And Ronald Reagan began to read all these books and he began to understand true policies of freedom and economic prosperity and that changed his entire worldview.

And so I tell people all the time, you never know if that 15 year old dishwasher or that lifeguard like Ronald Reagan was at one time, you never know if they might be the leader of the free world one day fighting for freedom for millions of people. So your effort to get to the core issues of what really can empower people and equip people and just enlarge their world is with education and leadership training. And that's just so amazing. I just commend you with that because like I mentioned, we never know who we might be educating and how they might impact the world in the future.

This organization, Sisters Empowering the World, which you said it equips women and children in developing nations by providing clean water, healthcare, education, and economic empowerment. I know it's just been exciting to hear some of the examples and opportunities that have come to women through this program. So can you share a few things? And let's just remind the listeners too, that we can't do any of this unless we have a healthy, strong America where we have the principles of freedom and wealth creation that can then be used in philanthropy and giving and sharing so that you can do these things. So I just love this Sisters Empowering the World. Can you tell people about that?

Dr. Patricia Bailey:

That was developed because we began to see when you educate a girl and you empower a woman, you educate and empower the whole community. And Sisters Empower the World was formed like a Christian based UNICEF for lack of a better word, where women of God could come together, we look at the Proverbs 31 woman, she became a voice for those who have no voice. And as we begin to be Sisters Empowering the World to come together to address issues, global issues that affect women and children. So things like that normally don't get addressed at the table. Female genital mutilation in different parts of the world, still female circumcision and things like fistula some of the different things that happen to women in developing countries or the literacy situation and the lack of women having access to the workforce in different countries or the lack of... 80% of women, excuse me, 80% of women in developing countries don't have proper access to healthcare and education.

So we begin to bring women together from a medical background, education background, business background, all these other different backgrounds can come together and become a think tank type of a solutionist group for these challenges that face women and children, Sisters Empowering the World putting women in business through job creation. One of our initiatives is called Business in a Bag where in Haiti, we just got the women here to go take... You carry your things in a carry on versus taking two great big old suitcases of what you're going to wear when you're in Haiti, but instead put your things in a carry on. And for the medical people, they wore scrubs for the rest of us, we just wore some leggings or some whatever and just wash t-shirts out or whatever, do whatever you need to do so that your luggage allowances is used to put a woman in business.

And then of course we taught them the business skills and management and things like that so they didn't eat their seed, didn't eat their profit right away and to learn how to reinvest. And it's amazing what some of those women did. One woman turned it into a whole water company from a Business in a Bag. And we've seen that happen from our educational perspective. We were guests of the king in Lesotho in the Kingdom of Lesotho. And driving back, I felt led by the spirit to just... These little thatched roof houses along the side of the road and a little shanty town. And we stopped and went up into the village and there was a young girl there crying. Her name is Albertina, it's on our YouTube channel. You could just do Dr. Pat Bailey Albertina story or Albertina. And she was crying there wishing she could go to school.

We didn't know her, we never knew anything about her. She was the only one there in the village. Everybody was gone. And her mother the night before was threatening to take her life because she couldn't feed her children, she couldn't send them to school. And she felt like, what good am I? At least if I killed myself, somebody would take my children and they'll become orphans. And so we stop and we begin to find out why she's crying and she tells us through the interpreter that she's crying because she can't go to school. And I kind of chuckled within myself thinking I have grandkids and sometimes they don't want to get up and go to school. Our kids cry because they have to go to school but she's crying because she can't go to school. So I thought life is interesting. And so we came, begin to band together and send a Albertina to school, get her in school.

And years later now Albertina has graduated, she's given back to the community. She studied accounting, I mean, when you look at her, she looks like any woman on Wall Street when you see her and how that story played out. And it was a group of women coming together, sending her to school, different ones, one would take one year, one would take the books, one would do a different part. And we are doing a hospital and clinic in Liberia, which was a joint initiative, a collaborative effort with FEW ladies. And we get so tickled because it's F-E-W and S-E-W. SEW a FEW ladies, S-E-W so a FEW ladies, it just took a few ladies and you being one of those few ladies that was a part of that initiative as well. And we built the maternity ward and the recovery center there for the women who the closest medical help was nine hours away or more, and women were bleeding out in the back of a car because they couldn't get medical help.

And we stepped in and just said, "We can do this. We can make a difference." And it's literally, as the acronym says it, S-E-W, Sisters Empowering their World actually. And it's amazing what happens when women come together for a common cause and that we have the passion to see our sisters live a better life. And so we touch those different areas, education, economic empowerment, healthcare, all the different building blocks, adequate housing, the things that allow a woman to have a better life and to provide a better life for her children.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well, I've heard it said that... And no knock against men or anything, but the quote, "Educate a man, you educate a man, educate a woman, you educate a family."

Dr. Patricia Bailey:


Linda J. Hansen:

And there's some truth to that, like you mentioned, if you educate the women, if you train the women, they help the whole community. And I just want to give a shout out, you mentioned FEW. So for listeners who may never have heard of that or whatever, it's Fellowship for Extraordinary Women. It's based here in the Milwaukee area, and it's a group of women where we really focus on faith, family, and business. And it is a fellowship of extraordinary women. We are trying to be great leaders of ourselves, our families and leaders in the community where God has given us spheres of influence and impact and really to grow in our relationship with Christ, relationship with each other and in this partnership with you and your organizations like FEW was very instrumental in this maternity ward and some of the water filters and things. And it's just so exciting.

You said, "It's so amazing when sisters come together to empower the world, it's amazing." Some people didn't have much to give. Some people could go and help you, some people couldn't. They just could give money. It's everybody doing what they can do to help towards a common goal and really empowering and lifting others up, whether they're here in our nation or across the world. That's really a call that we have no matter what. And that's what I try to do with everything I do with Prosperity 101® and all the ministry volunteering I do. But you are developing leaders not only here, but across the world. And the impact is enormous. Just before we close this interview, I would like you to just mention too, the Economic Vocational Institute in Haiti. I think that might have piqued people's interest, especially when we're talking about business and job creation and economic policies. What have you been able to do there and what would you say to business leaders in America who need to adopt some of these principles that have maybe been forgotten or pushed aside here in America?

Dr. Patricia Bailey:

We wanted the children in Haiti to know when you... Again, I always say go back to the foundation in the 1800s, well, first of all, Haiti had their Emancipation Proclamation 65 years before we did. Their leader, Toussaint Louverture, had their economy where it took two Haitian dollars to make one American dollar believe it or not. They were the sugar capital of the world long before Cuba was, and just tremendous coffee. They were leading in coffee long before Columbia. And so they have it within their historical DNA, their economic historical DNA to be a self-sustaining country. They were that before they began to take on a model in leadership of aid. So that's why we say trade versus aid. As they became a donor recipient nation living on aid from all the major [inaudible 00:20:41] there are more aid organizations in Haiti than anywhere else in the world because money is made to keep them underdeveloped.

So we wanted this generation to grow up not thinking that your help comes from abroad, but your help comes from above and your help comes from within and that you are the economic solution to your nation. That you don't have to look to the US, you don't have to look to Red Cross, you don't have to look to other countries to provide what you need because Haiti has resources. They just discovered this particular mineral it's not titanium, it's another heat-resistant mineral that only can be found in South Africa. But the greatest rarest form of it is there in Haiti. Haiti has diamonds, Haiti has oil. People don't realize that Haiti has one of the most beautiful coastlines because they share the topography and land mass with Dominican Republic. Challenge leadership and corruption.

So we wanted to raise up an institution of young people to understand discipline, integrity, stewardship, honor, respect, hard work, anti corruption and to begin to explore that the wealth is within them and that the greatest resource of Haiti are not the minerals in the land or the coastlines or the tourism, which they don't have, but Dominican Republic has. But the greatest asset to Haiti are the human resources of people. And there we established Economic Vocational Institute and challenging them to come up with the different ideas of entrepreneurship with inventions, just fostering that and feeding them and then giving them an opportunity. We scholarship them when they finished high school, we scholarshiped them to college for those who followed through.

And we have some that are still in school and that have gone and taken the path. And we're teaching them that as you don't go to school to make money, you don't go have a career to make money. You go have a career to establish and develop a better life for your nation so that you can serve your nation and give back. And so now we have a crash in school in South Africa as well, and we're establishing them, plan to do one in Liberia as well, because I believe that we can transform nations from the inside out. And this begins with transforming their minds.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well it does. And I just love this so much. And that's of course my heart for America too. I want to be able to have those type of institutions and training here in America to raise up our leaders. The greatest wealth of our nation is our people. And blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. So as we spoke in the last episode, if we humbly turn back to those principles, we will prosper. And those are the things that have helped to develop leaders and great growth and prosperity for the world over many times. So I just really appreciate this so much. And I'm sure that there's listeners who would love to not only get involved with your ministry, but possibly attend some of your leadership things, or maybe they'd like to help this leadership training be present here in America. And so however they'd like to help, however they're being called, how would they get in touch with you?

Dr. Patricia Bailey:

They can go to our website, PatriciaBailey.org. And we also have short-term missions trips where people get a chance to go on the field with us for a week and be a part and have that experience to build a tiny house, dig a borehole well, or something that can help make life better for others, help bring development to other countries because the more they're developed and they develop the resources that are there, it makes a better world for us all. We subsidize and support several nations around the world that really have the ability to stand on their own. And it's because it's just been a template done like this for so long. And we just think there's no other way. Not only do they have the ability to provide for themselves, they have the ability to as well, to lend to other nations. And so they can come and go on short-term trips with us, they go to the website, you'll see the information.

We have a old fashioned, those like me that may want to pick up the phone for some of the older baby boomers, our number is 336-917-2630, 336-917-2630. They can call the office, but easier to go to the website and see the short-term a missions trips. They can partner with us on some of the different initiatives, even if they don't want to go and they can sponsor a kid to go to school, put a woman in business. There are many different avenues that they can connect and be a world changer and a global leader. We believe in raising up leaders to become agents of change globally. And we can partner together with that through our collaboration. That's what we've done with FEW and other organizations. And that's how we got connected.

And you've been a part of several of those initiatives from the water builders to the solar project and you love this one where in deep, deep, deep in the rural area of Liberia, this woman that bled out and she died and left eight children behind and the boys can sustain and take care of their family. And we got a generator and some charging stations so that they can charge people to charge their cell phones and now they're able to take care of their family. And that all came as a result of our collaboration. So those that are listening, we'd love to partner with you and you partner with us and we collaborate together and let's change our world together.

Linda J. Hansen:

Well exactly. Let's change our world together. We start by changing ourselves. We start by changing ourselves, by deciding we want to be part of the solution and not just be a passive part of the problem. And we can impact people here in our nation and across the world by getting involved. And as we mentioned, if people are just listening to this episode, this is actually the second part of a two-part interview with Dr. Bailey. And in the first interview we talked quite a bit about really the foundations. The foundations of strong leadership, the foundations of strong policies that allow for human flourishing and freedom.

And going into then the applications of these things. We start always with the foundation, you can't grow something without good roots. And we need to have those roots, those foundations, and then from there we can grow, we can flourish, we can share, and we can help our own nation here in the United States. But through that, like you mentioned, when the United States sneezes, other nations catch a cold. So we have such an opportunity, but I believe also a responsibility to stand for these principles that have really helped to empower people throughout the world. So thank you, Dr. Bailey. Just give the website one more time and we'll close for this time and have you back again soon.

Dr. Patricia Bailey:

PatriciaBailey.org. PatriciaBailey.org. They can go there and then for Her Voice website to become a part of empowering women and children and putting them in business through Her Voice is www.HerVoice.myshopify.com. And instead of giving people a handout, we give them a hand up and empower them to be self-sustained. Instead of giving them a fish, we teach them how to fish.

Linda J. Hansen:

Perfect, perfect. That's what we should all do. So thank you so much for giving us such a great example of servant leadership for sharing your heart, not only for the Lord, but for other people here in America and around the world. So thank you for the time for the interviews. Thank you.

Dr. Patricia Bailey:

Thank you.

Linda J. Hansen:

Thank you again for listening to the Prosperity 101® Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave a great review. Don't forget to visit Prosperity101.com to access the entire podcast library to order my newest book, Job Security Through Business Prosperity: The Essential Guide to Understanding How Policy Affects Your Paycheck, or to enroll you or your employees in the Breakroom Economics online course. You can also receive the free ebook, 10 Tips for Helping Employees Understand How Public Policy Affects Their Paychecks. Freedom is never free. Understanding the foundations of prosperity and the policies of prosperity will help you to protect prosperity as you become informed, involved, and impactful. I give special thanks to our sponsors, Matthews Archery Incorporated, and Wisconsin Stamping and Manufacturing. Please contact us today at Prosperity101.com to let us know how we can serve you. Thank you.